Possible pregnancy

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New member
May 7, 2011
About 3 1/2 months ago, I bought a chinchilla from a pet shop. She was in a cage with, I'm guessing, her mother and two siblings. I have another chin female and well, she doesn't go well with other chinchillas so didn't bother introductions because we have room and time for them to be separate and didn't want to cause un-needed stress to them both.

Recently, Flip (the pet shop bought chin) has been lying on her side and being really moody and sitting quietly, being protective of her cage. My partner says he can feel her teats but doesn't want to pick her up to make because she doesn't like it and he doesn't want to cause damage to her (or the possible kit) if she tries to escape.
We've read some info off some pretty dodgy looking sites. I thought here would be the best place for info
Other than eating habits, what are the other signs? Can I be sure?
If she hasn't been around any other chins in 3 1/2 months, she should be due very soon if she is pregnant.

Unfortunately there are no sure-fire behavioral signs for pregnancy, including eating habits. If you don't want to handle her, you can watch her side for kicks, but normal breathing can be mistaken for kicks if you're not sure what you're looking for.

Do you have a baby proof cage handy? Wire spacing no bigger than 1/2" x 1"?
If she'll let you, you can reach in and put your hand under her belly and just let her rest her belly there for a short while. If kits are kicking at that time, you should be able to feel it. If she is not in a baby safe cage, you need to do something about it now, because if she is pregnant, she is due any day now.
Signs are elongated nipples and yes if she is close to delivering you can definitely feel kit movement in your palm is placed under her belly.

Before delivery pregnant mother's will strech alot and I mean very close to deliver so a couple of days.

If the cage is not baby safe please do a search on the forum for the bar spacing and make sure if kits are born that there are no ledges in the cage for mom to hop onto as she might hop down and hurt or kill a baby. You will definitely need a house in the cage for mom and babies to use though.

As Mish said if she is pregnant she is close to delivering so please take time to read over the babies faqs should something happen and you have to care for a kit or kits on your own. It's better to be prepared.
I've done my research and I know what to do when the kit is here. I've a baby proof cage ready and I'll try to feel her belly. She's still getting used to me so it may be difficult. (She's a feisty chin) :/
She does seem to stretch a lot but my other chin does too and she is definitely not pregnant.
I suppose I'll just have to put her in the baby proof cage and see if I get a visitor in a couple of weeks. If there's no kit in 2 weeks then she's just acting strange and is not pregnant.

Is it possible for chinchillas to have "Phantom pregnancies" like other animals?
Stretching, laying on the side, eating/drinking a lot just aren't definite signs of pregnancy. This is normal chin behavior - they could do it because they're pregnant, or they could do it because they feel like it. Even weight gain isn't an accurate indicator. Without handling her to physically feel kicks and visually examine nipples (and there are exceptions about those methods as well), you just won't know for sure she is pregnant until your little visitor arrives.

That said, I do believe false pregnancies in chins are possible, however I don't think it would be carried this far along.