Possible pregant chin, just a question.

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Sep 23, 2010
Hello Just 3 weeks ago I adopted two chinchillas from a family that felt they needed a better home. It turns out they are both almost 2 years and different genders and I beileve the female is pregant. .now i've read that you don't want to add stress on to the mothers but you need to place them in a baby safe cage. . I did that and i'm just a little worried the stress of sepreating her from the male and into a new cage may be the oppiste effect of what I want. . I beileve she is due any day and am trying not to stress her even more.
Any opinion on this would be greatly apperciated. I just want whats best for Nova and her possible Kits.
seporating her from the male won't be a problem. It may take her a few day to adjust but you definetly don't want to risk a 2nd breeding. She will do just fine on her own. I remove the male as soon as I notice weightg gain but I have done it as late as the day before without problems. Just make sure the cage is deffinetly baby proof. They can fit out the smallest holes. And good luckq!