(Possible) odd behavior during playtime?

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Oct 8, 2012
South Dakota
I'm not sure if this should go in here- it's behavior related enough, but sorry if it's in the wrong forum!

Anyway, I just had a quick question about something Lily did during playtime (it sounds so much more fun than 'exercise time'...) that she hasn't done before.

She was running around playing like usual, but after a while she just laid in the corner of the room- she hasn't done that before. I'm pretty positive she didn't overheat or anything, and she still jumped and ran when I tried to pick her up, and after I got her back in her cage she ate and drank a ton of water and is hopping around like normal.

But, I am kind of concerned as to why she'd just go lay down during playtime? It's not something she's ever done before, the room wasn't hot (it's ~40 degrees and heat isn't on in that room), and she wasn't out too long.

I THOUGHT she might've eaten a little of the plastic on her food bag yesterday (she somehow managed to drag part of it into her cage even though I could swear it was far enough away) so I've been keeping a really close eye on her- she's been eating, drinking, sleeping, and pooping normally and hasn't been at all lethargic, normal activity and everything, so I'm not TOO worried about that, but could it be related? Or did she just wear herself out from playing a little too hard and, since she immediately ate and drank and bounced around some more, should I not be worried?

Sorry, this is probably kind of silly. I just REALLY want to make sure she is/will be fine, and I'm more concerned with her well-being than me overreacting :thumbs:

(Oh, while I'm here- I think she was grinding her teeth after she got back into her cage, too, but she has PLENTY of safe chew toys. Maybe she was just frustrated she had to go home?)
Mine will often take "naps" after 10-15 minutes of playtime. Depending on the temp in the room, I will either put them back in their cages to finish napping or let them nap. I find that if they hang out by the walls (in corners, etc) they are trying to cool off. Feel her feet to make sure they are cool, if her feet or ears feel warm at all, she might be hot. Remember that even though the room is cool, they are running and playing and working up a "sweat" so their body temps will rise. Also, if it's new to her or something has changed (even something like the window being open and a different smell coming in), they can be a little edgy and cautious... this can also tire them out and stress can create a hotter body temp.

After having two chin who have had episodes of almost overheating... Now when they get too quiet or want to take a nap, I put them back in their cages to prevent any issues. It's safer if you're unsure. (And I'd suggest a chinchiller - cool piece of granite - so that if she is warm, she can lay on it when she returns to her cage after playtime. Both of mine ALWAYS nap on their chinchillers after playtime.
Oh and mine will grind their teeth when I pet them (a sign of being happy?) and sometimes after they ate or chewed on a toy. I don't think its anything of concern... Sometimes that is just another way to wear down their teeth, too!

As for the plastic... prevent it from happening again... but I don't think it's a huge deal. I've had one of my boys eat a good chunk of plastic before I caught it and there were no issues. Of course keep an eye of her, but I wouldn't stress about it.

I'm always an over-concerned chin-mom too, so no worries! :) It's better to be safe than sorry, right?!!
Chinchillas don't sweat. That is why it is so easy for them to overheat. That, and wearing a heavy fur coat. Even if the room is cool, they can over do it and overheat. It is best to lower the temperature to 65 degrees or lower prior to playtime. Laying down and then running for the food and water tells me that the chin probably did get herself a bit warm.
Haha.. that's why I put "sweat" in parenthesis for lack of better way of saying they run around and get warm just like we would, except we can sweat to cool off. I'd definitely let her cool off in her cage next time that happens.
I did put her in her cage shortly after, and she now has a Chin-Chiller granite stone for next time :) She's been acting normal today, and if anything she has a little more energy than usual.

For the temperature in her play room- I usually have it around 60 when I let her out, but I turned the heat off sooner today so maybe it'll even get a little cooler.

And thanks for the tip on checking to see if her ears or feet are warm! I don't think I would have come up with that one.

I really, really appreciate all the help I'm getting here! :D
I keep a chin-chiller in their playroom as well in case they get warm and need a quick cool off to continue playing. I also have a metal window sill they like to sit on to cool off their hot footsies!