Hi there! Well, to state the obvious I"m a new chinchilla owner- I got my little Pookie as an Xmas present, he's only 3 months old. I've been doing research on chinchillas forever and continue to do so and I have to admit I've been really lucky with him so far- been able to play with him and let him have free play and have even trained him to return back to his cage when play time's over. But, last night he slept almost the whole night which I thought was weird, but brushed it off as maybe he was tired because until today he hadn't been sleeping at all consistently during the day. I let him out at his usual playtime in his usual chinchilla proof space and noticed that he was dragging his front right paw and not putting any pressure on it when he hopped around. He's eating/playing/running around/drinking/jumping fine otherwise. No barking or squealing, not even when I touch the paw. He has a metal wheel but the spokes are tiny tiny and not big enough for any of him to get caught it. Only difference in behavior has been that he's sleeping much more. Help! I don't know what to do and I feel horrible.