possible chichilla seizure

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Hi all.

I'm not sure if this post is in the correct spot since the episode has passed but I was just wondering if anyone had any further advice besides what I've already read about others who have experienced seizures in chinchillas.

Tonight my little carnina had what I believe was a seizure. Some of the other owners said theirs lasted a max of 7 seconds or so but this one went on for a good 25-30. She looked like she was being given electroshock therapy and was limp on top of her food dish in between each jolt. The windows were open all day as the temp never got above 70 degrees and neither chin has had an issue before.

Anyway, when I saw her laying there I got a chin chiller out of the freezer just in case and placed it underneath her back paws, that didn't work so I held her and waited for it to end. She normally won't even let me pick her up so I was extremely worried.

For a bit after she just sat there with her ears back and didn't respond to a raisin but she is now jumping around.

When I first got her from blacksettingsun (Annie) she had a mini scare but that was due to a high temp outside. I've had her for over 2 years now.

The only other thing I can think of is that my apartment was bombed for fleas yesterday due to some nasty outside cats and an infestation that somehow manifested in my apartment, but I took both chinchillas out of the apartment for more than the allotted time period and then thoroughly cleaned before they were allowed back in.

So now that I've done the worried mother ramble, have those who experienced chinchilla seizures noticed the same type of jolting motions or could this be something entirely different?

Also, if anyone can think of anything in my story that might lead to a clue of what the heck actually happened or what the reason might be that would be helpful cause I'm literally racking my brain and can't stop crying about it.
I would schedule a vet appointment ASAP. The flea bomb could be a trigger
Another thought what do you feed...this includes treats. If a chinchilla gets an excess of salt that can induce some seizures. also a lack of enough calcium can cause seizures as well I believe as an excess in Thiamine----this I am not 100% on like the other two I will double check
I'm feeding her manna pro sho with a supplement mix. Treats are given maybe twice a week, and that's half a dried apple square. I give fresh timothy hay and clean the bottle daily.

ugh, poor baby, she just keeps looking at me like it never even happened.
One of my chin has seizures and we have yet to figure out the cause. I know it is horrible to watch but then they act like nothing happened. I am sorry you had to experience it and I wish you luck on solving it.
Hey, My chinchilla has had a couple of seizures. The first time it happened we actually took him to the emergency vet because we thought he was going to die. He went limp and started twitching, he could only move in a circle because of the twitching. I guess he got exhausted from running on his wheel and then around the room. Now before we let him run around, we give him a raisin to boost his blood sugar levels. So far it has worked and we have not any more problems!
My chin Toji had seizures and I don't want to scare you but thats is what she died from. She would go into her cage and then it was like her whole front portion of her body went limp. If it makes you feel better though, Toji lived with seizures for atleast 4 years, and she died when she was 15. The seizures really are awful to watch but just comfort her while it happens, thats all you can really do.
Actually, I questioned the safety of the feed and hay and things while the bombing was done. Everything was sealed in airtight containers and in a separate room with a towel blocking the cracks under the door. Just to be safe I bought a new bag of food today and took the food out of the cage, cleaned it, etc. last night. Baby seems to be doing okay now, and I'm starting to question if she might have had previous episodes when I was in class and at my GA position. Most days I'm gone from 7:30 am - 9 pm so that's defin. a possibility. I guess i'll just keep a close eye and if it does happen again ::crosses fingers:: start isolating any other factors that might be causing it.

thanks all for your thoughts and feedback. :)