possible bumblefoot? help!

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New member
Jan 18, 2016
Hi all! My chinchilla Rudy is about a year old I believe, my sister bought him from a Pet Smart and then could no longer take care of him so I now have him :)

I have noticed that on his back right foot there is a little scab and it is somewhat dry. Could this be the beginnings of bumble foot? He has had it for at least a month now and no changes, not better or worse, so I haven't pursued it but I am curious now as I want to make sure he is very healthy.

Can anyone help me? Any recommendations on what I should do? He has the four story "ferret nation" cage currently with a giant wheel specifically made for chins, so no wire that could hurt his feet or anything.

his other foot has now randomly begun to get red and looks potentially swollen. He has been lodging himself between the top of his wheel and the cage, about a foot from the bottom of the cage. I'm not sure if this is because his feet hurt and he wants to get off of his feet, or if he likes sitting up there because he can poop out of the cage? He has been putting his butt right up to the cage and seems like he is purposely pooping outside of it!

I just bought him a ton of fleece in hopes to sooth his feet. Can chins be allergic to fleece?
That doesn't look like bumble foot, bumble foot is an infection in the foot, that just looks like cracked feet with sores. Have you been putting anything on the feet? like bag balm or anything to help with healing? Also check out this resent thread for suggestions on preventing bumble foot or other foot issues. http://www.chins-n-hedgies.com/forums/showthread.php?t=47549

I suppose it's possible that a chin could be allergic to fleece, but very unlikely. The feet would probably be very red, swollen, and itchy (so the chin would chewed on them) if it was an allergy. Also fleece is a synthetic material, it's basically plastic fibers, and is considered hypoallergenic.

Oh and chins like to sleep in weird places and scare the crap out of owners, lol. Also my boys like to poop out of the cage sometimes too, and others have had issues of chins peeing out of the cage. :facepalm:
One of mine used to get smaller sores like that in the winter. Bag Balm fixed it in a week and I applied it twice each day, much to his dismay. That stuff is magic. Switching to fleece fixed the issue and it's been a few years since I had to do anything.

Hope that helps! Good luck! :))