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Jul 5, 2009
I can't believe there isn't a thread about this yet... Anyone here played Portal by Valve? Or any other Valve game? You can get it in the combo set of 'The Orange Box' with some other games. [All of which are FANTASTIIIIC!] You'll need a computer that can run these, and if you do, it's well worth it and will give you a great time. If you've ever heard of 'The Weighted Companion Cube', it's from Portal. http://themcp.files.wordpress.com/2008/01/weighted-companion-cube.png

This game has won TONS of awards. So what are you waiting for? Go get it! Gawsh, I'm such a Valve addict.
I played...but i got stuck on one part...so my attention went elsewhere (I probably have ADD...lol) I also LOVE VALVE.

my current game is Left 4 Dead. I can't wait for Left 4 Dead 2. It's set in New Orleans!!! (or at least the last half...) I'm so excited, I go there like every weekend and always tell my boyfriend, "look at all these rundown buildings and cemeteries. I'd make a zombie movie here." Valuve must have answered my prayers!! <3 <3
Portal 2 is coming out soon.

I'm all about Boarderlands along with the DLC: Dr. Zed's Zombie Island (oh, how i love shooting zombies--and the one werewolf; however, he did have a nice hat), Mad Moxxi's (I'm not really an arena type player), and tonight I'm going to try the new dlc.