poop problems

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Dec 24, 2013
I've been reading a lot on here to know loose or soft stool is bad. I'm pretty sure my chins having that problem. I've had him for about a week now and he's had normal stools up until yesterday. I've read a few things saying to only give him hay to eat and some shredded wheat and I've read others that say that could just mask a potential problem. Any suggestions from my fellow chin lovers?
Stop his pellets for a couple days. Give him nothing but hay and fresh water. You can also sprinkle high billion count acidophilus or activated charcoal on his hay or half of a slightly dampened bite sized, nonsugared, shredded wheat. He can have that a couple times a day. If he is not better in two days, you need to get a stool sample checked by your vet.

Make sure your water is appropriately filtered or reverse osmosis. A lot of issues with chins stems from the water they drink. If it's plain tap or spring, that could be causing the diarrhea.