
Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Well-known member
Oct 10, 2011
Is polyester okay for my chin to have IF supervised. I no Fleece is but i wanted to bring something relativley similar to it out at playtime to see if hed react to it in any way. Ill stop him if he chews on it but is it bad for them? Im not going to give it to him in his cage. Only out at playtime where i can see.
The reason fleece is recommended is because all other fabrics can fray, causing long strings to be available for chins to eat or get hurt on. And if your chinny is especially destructive like a couple of mine are, they will shred it just for fun. You can try other fabrics, but its really not worth worrying about it and watching it constantly. Fleece is a little more expensive than other fabrics (if not on sale) but it is worth the peace of mind. :thumbsup:
Thanks. Im gonna try and polyester tonight and see what he does. If he starts chewing it and ripping it alot ill take it away from him. If not ill keep bringing it out.