pls advice~ my chin not willing to eat

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New member
Jul 24, 2011
Hong Kong
my chin is about 9 yrs old and becoz of URTI (as vet said), it has been taking Baytril for 3-4 weeks.
i'd like to know when my chin will start eating normally by himself instead of force feeding?????

and he now is having short and little noisy breathing, but vet said it is due to congenital tracheal stenosis. although he acts like normal but i am super worry if there is something wrong with him.

does anyone can give some advice or have similar situation?

Baytril often makes chinchillas lose their appetite. Unfortunately, you'll likely have to hand feed at least for the entire time he's on the medication.

If your chin's symptoms are getting worse, I would call your vet or maybe see another vet. Did you know of your chin's stenosis before he got sick?

How much are you feeding him and what is the food? Some members here have some handfeeding tips if you use the search function.