Please help!!

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New member
Jun 9, 2014
I just recently bought a chin from a friend who could no longer have him in her apartment. He was super cuddly and great around her kids. Now that he's been here, he will not let me pick him up, and the past few days when I stick my hand in the cage he nips at me and won't even let me pet him. Instead he jumps all over the cage so that I can't pet him. I let him out of the cage for over an hour a day, just to run around in a room. Last night he started barking at me while I was trying to lure him back into his cage. He's almost 3 years old. Why is he acting like this?? I want to be able to hold him without him nipping at my boyfriend or I! Someone please help!
He is just terrified. Most chins take some time to get the know you and most if my rescues have taken a little longer. Just be patient with him, and he will calm down and go back to being his normal self before too long. The key is just to constantly talk to him in a reassuring tone so he become familiar with your voice and his surroundings.
There is no guarantee that he will be the same way with you that he was with the previous owners. It's a new environment, new people, new everything. Right now he is going through an adjustment period. Let him settle in and get used to it. Don't let him out for play time right now, let him get used to you guys first so you don't have to chase him all over the place and ruin whatever connection you might build with him the cage. There is an FAQ that tells all about how to get him used to you. Give that a read and see if that offers you some suggestions you can use.
There is no guarantee that he will be the same way with you that he was with the previous owners. It's a new environment, new people, new everything. Right now he is going through an adjustment period. Let him settle in and get used to it. Don't let him out for play time right now, let him get used to you guys first so you don't have to chase him all over the place and ruin whatever connection you might build with him the cage. There is an FAQ that tells all about how to get him used to you. Give that a read and see if that offers you some suggestions you can use.

that ^^
Think of it this way- your a new scary huge thing. you move and could be a predator. If his only interactions are out for playtime then a bunch of chasing to go back in, that's not a good association with big scary you. if you stay still and calm nearby, and spend lots of time nearby not being scary, it's a far better way for your chin to get to know you. he may feel safer having the cage between you and him at first-just put a hand up or press against the cage and dont do any quick movements. then gradually have a hand sitting in the cage and let him come investigate you (i usually start bribing with very small parts of chin safe treats so I'm associated with happy things). It will take time. Search on here and read-there's lots of threads with the same question. And read other threads too, so you have the answers before the question next time-like if your chin sleeps on his side and freaks you out. lots of us have the same experiences and share them. Welcome to the forum.