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Jun 29, 2013
moorestown nj
So, I know its really good for a chinchilla to get supervised playtime for at least a half hour every day so I usually give my 3 girls 1-3 hours a day (usually they're all pooped by the 3rd hour so they hop in their cage on their own)
But for the past 3 days I've been so busy at work and had to stay late every night (2 or 3am) so I get home and collapse in bed. I was only able to give them an hour during the day while I changed their bedding but they were sleepy so they didnt really do much but hop around.
I'm really worried about how this will effect them. My boss puts me on the schedule until 8pm but yells at me when I try to leave at 8 because even if my work is done I can still help someone else (I work in a kitchen).
Any advice or suggestions?
Also how bad is it for their health, being couped up in their cage for 3 days? (I have a 2 story ferret nation)
Chins don't need playtime at all. It is a luxury but not a necessity for them and it definitely will not effect their health- in fact I believe it is safer not to have playtime. Many injuries happen when chins are away from the safety of their cage. Breeders with many chins don't let all theirs out for playtime. My chins rarely get out of cage run time and are perfectly happy and healthy. A 2 story FN gives them plenty of room to run around and play.
Okay. They just always put their little paws up against the cage when I come home from work and it was really heart breaking but I guess their just a little upset about the schedule change.