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Well-known member
Feb 27, 2011
Where is playtime for your chinchilla? Is there a playpen, bathroom, bedroom?
What do you put in there for them to play with or do you just let them roam?
If they are in the bedroom do you let them get under the bed? I ask because I was worried if she got under there than I might not be able to get her out?
I guess I am asking for your playtime setup.
i let my Rhino run around the bedroom, which i've chin proofed somewhat - plug ins are covered, wire grid (his old shelves) covering the only wiring in there (my alarm clock), and i've taken the metal frame off the bed and just have the box spring on the floor (should've done this before the night it took forever for Rhino to come out from under the bed, lol!). my room was pretty sparse to begin with (bed, desk, chair), so there really wasn't much in the way of hazards/danger for him. i make sure the closet doors are closed because i have a lot of books in boxes on the floor in there that i don't want him chewing. i do have hot water heating pipes along one wall, with the flanges closed on them to keep the room cool, and have fashioned cardboard covers to go over them whenever he is out, just in case, even though the metal doesn't get hot enough to do any harm.

i put out a couple cardboard boxes with holes cut in them for Rhino to jump in/out of and such, but he tends to ignore those and go for his favourite game - playing peek a boo from behind my pillows, lol. i also put out a toilet paper tube with hay stuffed in it and the ends folded over, but he ignores that too. typical male, do things for them and they ignore it, hahaha!
We use a pop up play pen and my guys have a great time running around it. We have to keep a close eye on them because they like to jump out if the top isn't zipped. It's really cute to see them bounce off the sides of it.
Is your pop up play pen like those cloth covered ones or a wire type with a cover that goes over the top so they can't get out? Like, what type would be the best for a chinchilla when it comes down to size and safety but will not take up a lot of space or money. Thanks.
We block off the tv and cover the fire (my chin Lola got in the chimny breast once)and let them run in the living room, we also have a tunnels that makes a crunch noise when they run through it and normal tunnels and we also hide sticks to encourage them to go run about and look for them. :D
That would be wonderful but I have other animals so she just can't be out and about. I let her run in the bathroom and sometimes my bedroom but like I said I was afraid of her getting under the bed and never getting her back out. :hair: I was thinking of a pen but either way I still was trying to come up with things that she could play in or with that would entertain her so she can actually do something and not just run about.
Is your pop up play pen like those cloth covered ones or a wire type with a cover that goes over the top so they can't get out? Like, what type would be the best for a chinchilla when it comes down to size and safety but will not take up a lot of space or money. Thanks.

We have a cloth pen that has a zippered top. The bottom velcros on and Edgar figured out how to escape so we replaced the velcro with snaps and it works great. I love that it folds up and is light so if we have to take them any where it easily comes with us.
Henry lives in and has playtime in my bedroom (he's out right now, in fact). I've chin-proofed the room, but do allow him to go under the bed. I initially did have problems getting him out again, but now I've blocked off two sides of the bed using cardboard boxes, so, due to the way it's positioned, it's easy to shoo him out at the end of playtime, and then temporarily block it off fully so he can't go back under and escape being caught. I could easily have blocked it off permanently, but didn't have the heart to do so as he's made it his den, having dragged numerous toys (and anything else he can get his paws on - I'm always having to confiscate my socks from him) under there. Just running about seems to entertain him quite satisfactorily, but he also has tunnels and some cardboard boxes, though he likes bouncing on my furniture best.

I really like having him in my room, as it allows me to have him out of his cage quite a bit, so the time spent chin proofing was well worth it.
Part of my basement is not finished so I let them out to play there. Had to block off a few things, has worked out really good. I would say they have an area of about 10x15 to play.
That sounds like a good idea as I would like her to be able to just go. So another question, I know they are always dropping little "presents" :laughitup: as they go. Do you just wait till the end of playtime and then clean up or...?
I keep my chin, Fonzie, in the kitchen for his playtime. There almost no wires for him to chew, and it was very easy for me to cover up any holes with tape so he could not get behind the cabinets or stove. My stove does not get hot, so its ok for him. I also have a double-door that leads to my back porch that I leave the one door open open so he can have some fresh air. He loves sitting with his body pressed up against the second cool door! I use a baby gate in the doorway so that he stays in there with me. He likes to run around my feet while I'm cooking and whatnot :) I have some tissue boxes and some of his chew toys scattered around for him to play with too.
Oh, yup. :hilarious: I find most of the poops gather in certain places, making it not as bad to clean up as it might be. The vacuum is your best friend, and I also use a dustpan and brush, which is easier than the vac sometimes - actually, since he's out so late (why is my chin nocturnal? They're meant to be crepuscular...) I tend to use the dustpan and brush on the night, which I can do even when he's still out, and vac in the morning.
I used to provide the bathroom for playtime, but noticed it gets too warm in there with the door closed. So now, I close all the bedroom doors upstairs and block the entrance to the stair well with a baby gate. This gives both of my chins access to the length of the whole hallway and bathroom and keeps them seperated from our dog. I have a handheld vacuum to suck up the "presents" after playtime is over. I supervise the playtime and stop the wall chewing as quickly as possible.
When my chins were younger I used to let them play around my room and bathroom and even onto my balcony, which they loved. I had an herb garden out there that they used to nibble on (don't worry, all safe for chins). But when I moved out of my parents' house I couldn't take them out as much because I was renting apartments and they chew the baseboards. And yes, I had to chin proof my alarm clock and all other such wires they would find when I let them out.

Now I have a playpen I put out in the kitchen (after sanitizing the floor) and Willow has her dustbath in there, sitting on a towel so it doesn't move as she dusts furiously, a run through wood box, her little stuffed animal (since her mate died), and some oats or hay on the ground or on top of the box. I just ordered fleeces from Ridge chinchillas, so I'm excited to be able to use them in her playpen and cage too.

I clean up after she's back in her cage.