Pit Bull attacked by 4 other dogs & doesn't defend herself...

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I bite.
Jan 29, 2009
Indianapolis, IN
Meanie posted this on Facebook and it really got to me. Ever since I read it I can't stop thinking about Sweetie.


Sweetie (a pit bull) was attacked by 4 other dogs and she didn't even attempt to defend herself. Now she is fighting for her life. Even in her condition, barely hanging on to life, she still managed wagged her tail at one of her helpers when she kissed her on the nose. & people think all pit bulls are vicious... :(
I saw this posted on FB and I won't check it out because I know the story and pics would be too disturbing for me. I think it is horrifically tragic for this poor dog who is fighting for her life. I think pit bulls get a bad reputation, and one bad pit bull attack automatically means the entire breed is bad. I have a doberman and half the ppl I come across are scared of him because of the reputation dobies have had in the past. And he is the biggest pussy cat ever! Not a mean bone in his body. I think any dog can be aggressive...it all depends on what they were bred for and sometimes how they are treated. Sometimes the smallest dogs are the ones you have to watch out for - they can be the most aggressive. I sure hope Sweetie is a fighter and pulls through, she deserves a second chance.
Jenn, don't check it out. The pictures are quite brutal and I feel so sorry for this poor dog. I certainly hope the dog pulls through.

As for your doberman......I had a friend who had a doberman. She came to pick me up once and had her doberman in the back seat of her Jeep. I was afraid to get in the car and have my back to the dog. As we were driving along, I kept looking back at the dobe. It seemed to be acting strange and looking at me funny, pressed against the back seat. I asked my friend what the dog was doing and should I be worried about it's strange behaviour. My friend laughed and said the dog was afraid of me because it didn't know me. I thought that was pretty funny. Here we were, dog and human, each afraid of each other. Of course, the dobe was a lovely dog, friendly and very sweet.
Yes, sorry, I meant to say in the first post that the pictures are graphic.

I will always believe the saying: "There are no bad dogs, just bad and/or inexperienced owners."
Breaks my heart. I'm a huge pit bull lover. If I could own 20 i would.
Poor dog :(

People above me are right. It's always the vicious looking breed who are the bad ones.

A friend of mine has a doberman (couped ears and all) he IS a guard dog but when let in by his master he's a real sweetie to everyone.

Strangers ... well don't try to get in without permission
I totally agree, Stacie, that there are no bad dogs, just bad and/or inexperienced owners. That sums it up perfectly.

Our doberman is a "guard dog" in the sense that we hope his appearance will keep ppl from wanting to break into our home, but we all know that appearances can be deceiving. I think if someone did break into our home, our dobie would lick them to death!
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Statistically, small dogs (think toy breeds) are more likely to bite you. I hope this dog makes it and doesn't have any psychological damage from the ordeal.
Any dog has the capacity to become vicious no matter what the breed. If they are not raised in a consistent, stable environment you're asking for trouble. My niece has a toy poodle who snarls and shows his teeth, and growls like a fiend any time he doesn't get what he wants, also around other dogs if they try to sniff his bone or toy. He growls at my niece and her parents too, and they think it's o.k. because he's small and cute. Wtf? I won't let my kids any where near him, I'm sure one day he'll rip someones face apart. He's only 3lbs. but I'd rather be in a room full of Pitties, then any where near that crazy poodle. It's not his fault though, he has no boundries in the house at all. I hope sweetie makes it, she deserves to pull through. Sorry about the rant.
Latest update posted for Sweetie on 5/20:

Sweetie was in surgery for 2.5 hours. She is just now waking up. Dr. Moreno performed the surgery (she said this is the worst she has seen). Both ear flaps were removed, trachea was closed, worked on a ligament on her front leg and she is currently getting a plasma transfusion. I know we have reached the original $3k goal of the chip in but her vet bill is going to be more than the original quote of $3k. The vet is getting us a new quote now. Thank you all for your donations and support and thank you all for saving Sweetie!! Please continue to share Sweetie's chip in and her story.
Poor Sweetie! I'm sure glad that she is getting help and can hopefully get a second chance at life. It would be so easy to just put her down, and I'm so happy that ppl haven't given up on her. If she pulls through, I wonder how traumatized she'll be...
What a heartbreaking story..just picturing her waging her tail as she got a kiss, almost brought me to tears. I hope she pulls through ...