Pine cones/conifer trees...

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Pokemon Master
Jul 14, 2009
San Antonio, Texas
So I have a giant conifer tree in my front yard. Nobody sprays it with pesticides or anything, so I know it's free of that stuff. It drops a lot of cones, but I don't know if they would be safe for my chinchillas (kinda getting tired of giving Petco $3 for 3 tiny pine cones).

Anybody know about conifers?

Are all cones are safe? (assuming they are free of pesticides and parasites)

If anybody is an expert, I can provide a photos of the tree and pictures of the cones (just need it to not be dark outside). I don't know if the tree is native to south central Texas or not, since we are not the original owners of this property and lots of houses have trees that are not native to this area. Please let me know if you have any info!