Pictures question

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Socially inept
Jan 29, 2009
North Idaho
Ok, so I found my camera cord, signed up for photobucket, took pictures, saw them on my computer. But when I tried to tie the whole thing together my computer said in so many words it doesn't recognize my camera and told me to look for a disc that came with my camera. I don't know where any disc is. Soo I was thinking, can I take some pics, then take the memory thingy to a photo developing place. Order a picture CD disc thing then place the pics here on the forum?? What should I do? Thanks, Theresa
If you know the model of your camera, you can probably find the software online. Taking a memory card to the store and getting a photo disc will work also, but of course, isn't cheap. I think our local stores charge $10 or so for a photo disc. I'd wait until you have a bunch of pics and just get everything done on one cd.
Yes, tell us what model your camera is.
For example: Canon sd1100
You can go to and look for downloads and get the file you need. How old is your computer? Most computers should be able to recognize the camera right away (plug-n-play style).

And yes, you can take the memory card to a place like Kinkos and print them out or get them on a CD I believe. Or, you can get a card reader like:

And all you have to do is insert the card (many types can be read from these types of card readers).
My laptop and desktop are both about a year old and they have card readers built right in. Look closely at the comp. It may have one. There's a little plastic door on the desktop that slides down. On my laptop it's on the left side.