Pics or Video on how to hold a Chin?

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Nutz over Chins
Nov 9, 2010
West Columbia, SC
i have been trying to hold by base of tail method....not sure Millie likes that so much, but she also squirms a lot when I scoop her too and afraid she will go flying across the room. Her cage is on the floor, and so am a seated psn when I open the door to let her out.

I have been just letting the door down and she bolts out of the cage. I also have been trying the oats with two hands, where I get her to climb into my one open palm and hand her an oat with the other, but then she immediately takes off with the oat.

Would someone lead me in the right direction on what "looks" to be the right way to pick up/hold my Chinnie? Thanks in advance!
This seems to be a significant point of interest in chinchilla owners and it should be addressed appropriately. Basically the chin has extremely brittle ribs and you shouldn't be holding it like you would any other rodent. The base of the tail is sturdy and doesn't actually hurt them, they just get very annoyed ;)

I've found this youtube video that shows it correctly

Also this

Also I recommend reading through this thread. Everyone brought up very good points!
WOW shocker! Ok well I will try this and see how it goes. Thank you for all the videos and of course the thread! It is something hard to explain, so I figured I would learn more from the videos...and I sure did....I didn't even know I had to groom her, just thought she had to have frequent dust baths! I have a lot to learn :)
The grooming is for professional shows. I just linked it to show you where to hold the tail. Don't worry about grooming your chin, the dust bath will handle that for you.