photos of pregnant chins??

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Dec 10, 2010
Hello i have a possibly pregnant chinchilla. Yes she is in a baby proof cage, i have local mentors which i purchased her from. She has a very long pedigree and great quality, very blocky and amazing fur. About 2 and a half months ago she was in a cage for breeding for 2-3 weeks. So there is definitely a chance of pregnancy.

Her belly is slightly hard but not as hard as another female i checked t at his place. i started to weight her and her first weigh in was 708 grams. He didn’t weight her before pregnancy so i don’t no her starting weight. She seems to eat a lot even the first day she was here she ate everything in the hay ball and almost all her pellets, like I said I don’t no if this is a lot for her since i didn’t have her at the beginning of the possible pregnancy. (breeder has 50 breeding chins so he didn’t know the answer to a lot of her personality traits and habits) she has had only single litters before so she may just be good at hiding it! i am use to females who have 2-3 kits per litter and its alot easier to tell.

i have checked her nipples and i found most of them and they are not small nubs or barely findable .. they are not as long as her fur maybe half the length? half and a quarter as long? she has very long dense hair to begin with. Dose anyone have photos of there pregnant chins nipples a few weeks before delivery so i can compare. I know its not for sure until i have babies running around but its so hard to wait! this will keep me sane :p
I have a bunch, lol but these are chins that had 3 or 4 kits in their litters, so they are obviously going to be larger than a chin who only has 1 or 2.

All my chins with only 1 kit, I never could tell if they were pregnant until the kit was born.

I even have videos of the kits movement in moms belly.





If she was within 3 weeks you should notice the nipple elongated and reddened. Without seeing them I couldn't really offer any suggestions, every female is different. After a couple litters a females nipples usually stay longer ( saggy **** syndrome).

Honestly if she was only in for a couple weeks the possibilities are slim. If you hold her and hold you hand on her belly for quite a while you should be able to feel movement or "lumps" kits will often sit to one side of the other. The belly should feel tight and slightly ( or greatly ) rounded. I have females who have had three kits and you couldn't tell she was really bred, and others that have one that get huge. I had a female birth this morning who I knew was getting close but I figured a couple more weeks, I was guessing maybe two kit and another two weeks to go, but this morning she had three good sized kits.

As for the breeder having 50 chins and not knowing much about her habits... that doesn't sound right. I have around 100 chins and know if they eat a lot or eat a little, if they usually met me at the door or bark at me, if they like scritches or want to be left alone. Knowing their habits helps you know when something is wrong.
Thank you so much for all the replys :) love the pictures !! Do you have the videos id love to take a look . I'll try to get some photos posted tonight depends if she wants them taken of course but should be fine I swear both my chins will pose and change positions for photos haha
Here is a thread about nipples with pictures:

As an update, Jasmine had her litter 11 days after I made the post, she had one 63g kit. Amber was not pregnant at the time the photo was taken.

This chin was pregnant with trips when the photo was taken. She littered 11 days later.

This chin was pregnant with trips, she had them 24 days later.

This chin was pregnant with a single litter, she had her 31 days later.

This chin was pregnant with twins as a breedback, she had them 42 days later.

This chin was pregnant with twins which she had two months later.