Petstore Chins Mute?

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Devi Xiao

Well-known member
Jun 7, 2013
So I've noticed that the chinchillas in petstores never seem to make noise. They run away from the associates, but I don't hear their characteristic chirps or kacking. Are they mute? Or are chinchillas not a very vocal species?
No, pet store chinchillas are not mute. Sometimes, they just don't make noise. It's not an all the time thing. I don't know whether they would be characterized as a vocal species or not. Some do it more than others.
Ugh, I just typed up a nice long response to this and my computer decided to delete it all.

Basically chins are generally quiet animals. If you were to walk into a chin breeders place it would likely be fairly quite, as opposed to walking into a dog breeder or bird breeder where it could be very noisy.
That's what I started to conclude, but then I hear so much about chins kacking at their owners... I thought that if there was every a time for that, it would be when some store associate was mishandling them...
Haha, my boys only kack at me when I've thoroughly annoyed them. I think it's more of an annoyed noise than a scared/angry noise. When they're scared/threatened their instinct is to run and hide.
Some chins do "talk" more than others. More times than not, the chins at the pet stores are asleep when I see them. So, naturally, they're quiet. Also, doesn't hurt that a lot of times, chins in pet stores are in glass enclosures, which I think would naturally soundproof (to an extent) the cage.
My two boys have yet to kack at me or another human, though they occasionally give each other an annoyed mini-kack when one is invading the sleep space of the other for cuddles. One of my previous chins was very territorial of his cage and hated being picked up so he would kick anyone who tried a good kackin' too when needed ;) Pet store chins often try to sleep during the day so that's another reason for their quietness
I have one who talks in his sleep, this hoarse raspy warning bark that stops when I talk to him. The second only kacks at his brother if they both want the same tube/water bottle, or me when I try to pet him. The third says very little. In a stressful situation like a pet store, I would be surprised to hear any sound at all because sound draws predators, and if they think they might be surrounded by predators already, they're not going to kick up a fuss.
Ugh, I just typed up a nice long response to this and my computer decided to delete it all.


I hate when that happens, especially after a long response. As a result Ive gotten in the habit of select-all - Copy everything before submitting it. Or just every now and then in-case i hit a wrong key and lose it all.
I've had my chin for about a month now & he's only ever made little squeaking noises & the occasional "bark" in his sleep. It sounds kinda like when you squeeze a squeaky dog toy. I guess he must be dreaming when he does it!
I have two pet store chins: one rescue and one that was my first baby. They are both pretty quiet. My baby, Pandora, only used to make noise before her housemate and buddy came along. She used to do it at night and I think it was because she was lonely. It definitely sounded like a sad sound. Now, she will occasionally chuff at Aphrodite, but I haven't heard her lonely sound since.

Of my four kits, only one is a big talker. She does not like being held and is quite skittish so she scolds me regularly! The name Phoebe fits her well! In fact, I hear her scolding someone right now.
My boys chatter all the time, but it is so quiet it is hard to hear. They have yet to kack at me, though I will hear upset chattering when one jumps from the top level down on to the other on the bottom level! :D