Pets at home chins....

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KSJ 2014

Dec 29, 2014
Hi all,

Just wondering Has anyone ever bought A chin or a pet from P@H?

If so Did they live their average lifespan? Was their behaviour normal compared to other animals?

I think The price Of 2 chinchillas is £250!! :hair: For a standard, Most likely disease ridden chinchilla. It is Either P@H Or a Massive (well run) Garden centre
Cadbury garden centre. I cannot find any breeders near me (Bristol), Except Some one off, Unplanned chins.

Any advice Welcome thanks.
My first two chins came from P@H, and are as healthy, well balanced and loving as my breeder aquired chins. Even chins bought from breeders cannot be 100% guaranteed. All you can do is give them the best care, love and attention you possibly can. Love your chins for who they are, not where they came from.
Hope this helps :wink3:

Not sure but my last post didn't go. I bought from the above in bath a good breeder near Bristol. I personally would buy an animal from P&H or use there cage outside of a cage for weeks away. they are fine to get some supplies at though.