Peeing on the spot while eating

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Aug 22, 2014
My Chin, who was always good about peeing in his litter box, has decided within the last 2 months to pee on the spot while he is eating his hay. At first we thought it was just an accident, but then it started happening more frequently and now it is an everyday occurrence. I don't know if he is just being lazy because he still goes to his litter box. However, while he is eating, he will just sit there and pee on the shelf. It is getting so saturated now and although we can sand it and change the shelf itself, and we had done so twice... it would be nice to see him go back to his old ways. Has anyone encountered this behavior? Or any suggestions you may have to curb that habit?
I don't have any experience with this, but maybe it could be a medical thing with it happening during eating. Is it just when eating or whenever he gets in that position/ on his back legs? Might help someone else narrow down what it could be.
Maybe move the hay? My Rosey pees on her shelf if I put hay up there with her... just leaves a puddle beside the hay pile. Now I put the hay down on her bedding, so if she pees, it is just absorbed.
my chins do that sometimes. It is rather annoying. Bu there doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason as to when they do it. Just got to clean it up. You can try cleaning the shelf off with vinegar/water mix. It could help get rid of the sent. It wouldn't stop the problem, but it might help a small bit from encouraging him to keep doing it.
We've been sanding the shelves down, will try the vinegar/water mix. I personally think he's just being lazy because he doesn't want to stop eating and feels it's convenient to pee on the spot. He started randomly peeing outside his cage when we let him out. This is pretty recent within the last 2 weeks. Again, he had no problems heading back to his litter box to pee when let out to play before, but lately, he just goes on the floor. He is totally aware of it because at times I will suspect that when he is sniffing around the floor and starts backing up, he's getting ready to pee... I would say no and he runs to his litter box and does his business. I almost feel like he's testing me to see how far he can get away with it. Crazy right!
Did you happen to recently move things around in your chins cage?

My chin started doing this too all of a sudden, and started using her little hay trough as a restroom. I got rid of the flat hay trough I was using and purchased a new bamboo bowl, and since it's raised higher off the ground than her old one she hasn't tried to pee in it.

Maybe try putting the hay in a different container or spot in the cage?
I feel like discipline with chins comes and goes - with my well-behaved chins, they'll have some times when they'll throw caution to the wind and pee wherever they want. I also have one black velvet that literally will pee AS he's walking or jumping around. He's a special guy and is perfectly healthy as far as the vet or I can tell - just a little loose in the head and has no respect for authority :-D