Pee in food bowl

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Well-known member
Nov 17, 2010
South England
:vomit: Poppy pees in her food bowl and she pees all over the wooden shelf under the bowl which in 3 weeks has destroyed it. I wondered if anyone had any tips on getting her to pee somewhere else? it cant be very sanitary to wee in your dinner. (just so you know, I change her food regularly so she's got lots of fresh pellets available)
One of my guys did this as well. I changed the location of his food dish- put an attached bowl up on the top shelf and that seemed to help. Pretty gross and a waste of perfectly good food...yuck.
I have used Nikki's method to stop peeing in the dish and I have also bought a bird crock with a lid. Moving the dish to a ledge helped for awhile but they decided to go out of their way to get up and pee in it after awhile. :rolleyes: The covered crock did the trick.
I've also had that problem when the bowl was too big. I have kinds that hang from the cage bars so I moved it to below a shelf that was low enough so she couldn't get up on the bowl anymore.