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Aug 8, 2011
Anchorage, Alaska
I have recently been seeing patching throughout parts of my chinchillas back. Its not very sever or anything and in very small amounts, but is there a reason to be concerned? I dont grab him so theres no reason he'd be doing that fur shedding defence thing.
I have recently been seeing patching throughout parts of my chinchillas back. Its not very sever or anything and in very small amounts, but is there a reason to be concerned? I dont grab him so theres no reason he'd be doing that fur shedding defence thing.

I agree pictures would be helpful. I just wanted to add that chins can fur slip when they're scared, not just when they're touched. My male slipped a substantial amount of fur when the doorbell scared him.
I would post a picture but I actually think you have helped solve the mystery. I woke up this morning and got out of bed, startled the chin and it lost fur. That probably was it. Thanks for help :)