Part of tail lost

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New member
Feb 19, 2012
My 8 month old chinchilla lost the end of her tail last night. My almost 6 year old tried to keep her from getting away by grabbing her tail. He felt just terrible. My chin, Willa, has blood on the tip of her tail and I can see the fur -less part of her tail (bone). I understand that the tail degloving is so they came escape from predators. I'm concerned about the exposed tail/bone. She is acting normally, and we have been putting neosporin on it. Does she need to see vet??
Since this is a natural defense will this heal on its own? Any ideas would be great. Thank you!
I would definitely see a vet. The exposed bone can be very serious and become infected. The vet will most likely amputate the part of the tail has exposed bone and cauterize or close off the wound.
I don't believe neosporin is safe for a chin to digest, so I wouldn't use that. Also as Stackie said you should bring to an exotic vet exposed bone is pretty serious.
If you can see any part of the bone it needs seen by a vet. That rarely heals well on its own. The chin will probably need part of the tail amputated.
Side note- I wouldn't let your young female in with your male. She's pretty young to get pregnant. And he may really harass her.
Post a picture if you get a chance.

You may want to get a vet's opinion. Chins tend to lose the tip of the tail and some sinew if the end of the tail is pulled off quickly. It would be best to get a vet to stabilize it and get it to heal properly. You may or may not need some antibiotics....a vet would know for sure. You probably won't need any amputation, but just a quick stabilization (probably without any anesthesia to knock the chin out.)