
Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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What about the cardboard tubes that you can get from a pet store that they can run around in and chew on?
Is it okay for them to eat cherrios (plain ones). I read somewhere that they were okay for them to eat.
Can I just add to the question...
what if your chin does not shread but eat the cardboard paper pieces?

because I am certain mine eats them.
If your chin is eating the cardboard, i would remove it. Consistently eating it can lead to impaction. There are alternatives- use safe wood for chew toys and fleece covered or PVC tunnels if you want them to have a place in the cage to hide/play. Just make sure that your chin doesn't chew those as well.

I use those "Chube" cardboard tunnels in the play area where I am always there to supervise.