Pairs, colonies or runs??

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Well-known member
May 28, 2011
I thought I'd throw this question out to the group for some feedback on what you've seen work best and why. Thanks!
If you take a look through the breeding and babies section, this question has been asked and answered many times. You will probably just get the same answers from the same people, so it would be a good idea to look through this section first.
Pairs are very productive, as the male focuses on the one female. Colonies, well when I tried it, the other females kill the babies or something goes wrong :( I'm currently doing breeding runs, as that is the smartest way for me, as I have 100 plus chinchillas. But pairs are very nice, as they can have nice big cages, especially if you only have a couple pairs.
I don't have that many animals, so breed in pairs, and trios. Everyone has their own preference and reasons behind it. For me I like doing the extras, like hammocks, multiple ledges, toys etc. There is certainly nothing wrong with runs either. Some of those males would gladly service multiple girls with NO PROBLEMS!
I have all 3

I like my pairs because they bond so well and intros are super easy, down side is the male can only be with the one female so I never use my best male in a pair

Colonies are nice because I lose fewer babies as everyone nurses and cares for everyone else's bad because intros can be a nightmare and they are much more likely to have an injury

runs are easy intro the male can have multiple female. down side is the collars can fall off then you have a lose female,

just as a few pro's and cons