pair of chinnies like 2 different wheels... what to do?

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New member
Dec 29, 2010
anyone else ever have this problem?

i have a pair of chins, Molly & Maddie, and a single chin, Zoey. I have "flying saucer" wheels in both cages. Zoey loves hers. As does Maddie.... but Molly has NEVER ever run on it. It's been at least 2 years since I've had them, and have never seen Molly try it.

back when I first got my chins, before I knew any better and until I got the flying saucers, I had the super pet wheel in their cage. Molly used to run on that (but not Maddie!). Now, i know they arent safe so i wont get one of those, but should I have a "chin spin" in the cage for her? i would feel silly having 2 different wheels in the cage.... but if they each have their preference.....

anyone else have a pair (or trio) that like different wheels? I am stuck on what to do here...
Aren't chins speshul?? Even the simplest thing they make hard. :)

You would have to have a pretty sizeable cage to have both a saucer and a chin spin. The saucer takes up a buttload of room. It's possible that Maddie didn't like the super pet wheel because it's rickety and not a firm running surface. She may adjust if it's a better wheel. Or, she just may like the openness of the saucer and will never enjoy the chin spin. It's really hard to say unless you get one and try it.
You can always get a chin spin and take out the saucer. Maddie will most likely run on it. The SuperPet wheels are small for chins and pretty rickety, so a lot of chins won't run on it, but will run on a chin spin. If all else fails they have a pretty good resale value on the forum so you won't lose much money by trying it.
I say get a chin spin and try it. If they both use it great - take the saucer out. If they each want their own wheel, it may come down to space.