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New member
May 4, 2012
Hi Everyone,

So I recently adopted a new chinchilla from a friend of a friend, Carla and have had her for about a week. When I got her she was eating Charlie Chinchilla food which is a no-no so I've been slowly trying to switch her over to Mazuri. She doesn't seem to be an overly active chin, and I have little/no idea what her out of cage playtime situation was before.

So on tuesday I took her to the vet, for a full check up before integrating her with my other chinchilla. She did not really appreciate going to the vet and when they were handling her cause she was so squirmy, she let out a couple scream/upset noises. Her teeth are fine, and they check her poop for giardia and it came back neg.

Since the visit to the vet, she has been very depressed looking, sitting in one spot of her cage, then going to a different spot. She hasn't really been eating, but she will eat pellets out of my hand. And she doesn't act scared, and she won't run away, she lets me pet her and loves to be scratched.

So I don't really know whats wrong with her, is it depression? Stasis? Am i just comparing her to my other chin who can't sit still for more that 2 secs/ has the most bubbly personality?
She's probably stressed and a little angry about going to a new home and everything else. Is she still making droppings?

Make sure that she keeps eating. Give her lots of hay and talk to her...playing some music for her can help her feel better.
It really sounds like she's just stressed.

Unless there was something obvious wrong, there really wasn't a need for a vet visit, but I'm glad she checked out healthy.

You should observe a 30-day quarantine period before introducing the two (or housing them in the same room). If that is already broken, there's no use to start a quarantine or anything.

She probably just needs time to adjust to her new owner, new house, etc. Just be patient with her.
She is still making droppings. Do you think I should switch the food cold turkey, its a mix of things along with pellets...
yes, do a cold switch with the food. charlie chinchilla is absolute crud and a chin will not switch well gradually off it. they will continue to pick out the treat pieces and won't eat the healthy stuff. be sure to offer plenty of hay and perhaps sprinkle acidophilus on her pellets to aid in any tummy upset that might happen due to the cold switch.
I rescued a chin a few months ago. She was never let out for playtime, not given hay or wood to chew, and was a sweet but terribly sad little girl.
She reacts VERY strongly to any changes. I had to take her to the vet and she also went into a depression that lasted a week or so. Even moving a shelf in her cage will worry her.
I would not try to switch your chin's food while she is stressed. If she stops eating it is a much bigger problem than her continuing her "junk food" diet for a little longer. I think she would benefit from as safe, familiar and loving an environment as you can create for her...Forcing her onto a new food that might be better for her but honestly won't taste as good (at least in the beginning) isn't going to help her stress levels.
Also, I agree, don't rush to get her a buddy. I thought my little girl must be starved for companionship but she freaks every time she sees my other two chins (a bonded pair). They have been curious about her when I've let them play in adjacent areas for out of cage time, but she tries to attack them through the gate that I use to separate them. I've stopped taking them out at the same time. I would consider trying to find her a buddy at some point, but only if I felt I could handle having another single chin in another cage if things didn't work out. Right now, neither of us is ready for it!!
Good luck. I hope she feels better.