Organic Treats?

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Apr 17, 2012
South Carolina
I've heard so many things about the different types of treats you can give a chin, well i will give mine a half a raisen every once in a while because I heard the sugar in them can be bad for their digestive tracts so I didnt want to over do it. When I was in the pet store the other day I came across some Organic treats (Oxbow Animal Health Organic Barley Biscuits) and all the ingredients are organic and compared to all of the other treats I believed that one looked like the best and healthiest option.
When I tried to give him one of these later that night he didn't want anything to do with it, he took it at first and then just put it down. When I tried again he just turned away from it, so I put it in his food bowl to see if he would eat it later and the next morning it was after that he will now take them from me and eat the whole thing but I noticed just after giving him those, his poop would smell really bad. Whenever he cuddles under my chin and randomly slips out a poop I normally don't smell it, but ever since I gave him those treats they smell really bad and I can definitely tell when he poops on me haha so I stopped feeding those to him for a couple days and the smell went away.
Has anyone else ever tried these treats? And does anyone know if these are healthy to be giving to a chin?? If not, what other "treat" alternatives would you suggest?

I wouldn't even give half of a raisin. Why give them something that is bad at all? There are plenty of safe alternatives to give your chin - plain cheerios or plain shredded wheat, rose hips, slow cooked oats...members here make chin cookies and chin "salads"...and any treat should be given sparingly.