Orchard Grass Hay in bulk?

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Well-known member
May 23, 2011
Cohoes, NY
My 2 new girls go through hay very quickly! So I need to look into buying hay in bulk. But Delilah will only eat the Orchard Grass hay.

I have looked online and the only place I can find the Orchard Grass is at Drs. Foster & Smith. But I refuse to order from them.

so I am hoping one of you knows of someone else who sells it online?

If not I will just continue to buy the smaller bags.

Have you considered buying it from a local farmer or feed store? You can often pick up a 2 string bale, (which, if baled correctly should be between 40 and 60 lbs) for the price of one or two bags of Oxbow hay. Given how much hay it is, you might need to find some other chin or rabbit owners in the area, but even still it would be less expensive then buying it online if you're going through THAT much of it...
I get orchard grass from kmshayloft; she refers to it as bluegrass. It is not as cheap as buying a bale but I have no where to store that much hay anyway.
I was gonna say Kleenmama too and I haven't had any problems with their hay. Its listed as "bluegrass," but just read their description of it. Its always nice and green and smells really good.
I was not impressed with Kleenmama's hay (both boxes I had were very stemmy and stiff) and I think she is ridiculously priced. I thought Oxbow was bad, but she was actually higher. I would consider checking at local feed stores first as well, see what they have available. You may be able to get a variety of hays to try and find one that your chin likes just as well, but at a much lower price. I buy Standlee hay at TSC out here, and it's a 50 pound bale for $10.99. Much better than ordering on-line.
I buy mine from Drs. Foster & Smith. What's your bone against them?
My chins love Oxbow Orchard Grass, and they would not touch KMS Bluegrass. Not one of them would touch it.