Ongoing leaking eyes in 3 chins

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Chin lover
Jan 29, 2009
Mississauga, ON Canada
I'm posting this to see if anyone has any idea as to what this could be. I have spent a fortune at the vets and so far have no answers. So here is the back story.

At the beginning of April, I had 5 chins returned from a foster. 3 of the chins came from a hoarding situation and the other pair were surrendered from a pet owner. They were in a car for at least 9 hours to get to me. When I took them out of the carriers 3 of the 5 had a weepy RIGHT eye. Here are pics from that night:


LEE (from pet owner)


Carlos (from hoarder)


Ernie (from hoarder)

The foster said they were fine when they were put in their carriers.

So I spoke with my vet when they first arrived and he wanted their eyes rinsed with Saline to see if that would fix it, it didn't. SO appointments for the chins and eye meds were prescribed. Once of them had an eye stain as he does have a mark on his eye but it came back as not an ulcer. They were on Dexamethasone for 10 days. Seemed to be getting better but still leaking from right eye on all 3 chins.

Back and forth to vets. They have been on different meds, took them off shavings and put on fleece. Stopped dusting, rinsed eyes after dusting. Still they have leaking right eyes. Now my vet said that the odds of having 3 chins having teeth issues on the right side all happening on the same day is rare so we put off dental x rays.

The chins are on the last med to try. In 3 weeks if they aren't better all 3 will have a dental appointment. They will be put under and looked at as well as x rays. IF that shows nothing then their eyes will be swabbed and it will be sent for pathology.

Their left eyes are fine, the other 2 chins have no eye issues. My vet has consulted with other vets and some vets say this happens with chins and they don't know why. I just have never heard of that.

Has anyone dealt with this? I just find it odd that 3 chins have this in their right eye and it appeared during a car trip and has not stopped. It doesn't get worse, but it won't go away.
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I have a female with a weepy right eye as well. She has had it for many years. No appetite issues at all, in fact she's a pig. She's never had any discharge. We've opted to not pursue diagnostics until there is some reason to.

If you can afford x-rays, that would certainly be best to rule out teeth issues.
Where the chins on oral antobiotics along with occular? For infections that are not cleared with just drops, I use TMS with NeoPolyDex for 14 days.
Dirty dust can cause some nasty infections from bacteria from poo and pee, we see it with dirty rescues. The infection gets down deep in the lacrimal canal and only oral w/ occular can knock it down and out.
I have a chin that has the same thing with her eye. I took her in Friday the doctor couldn't find anything wrong with her. X-rays are fine. He prescribed NeoPolyDex. What is TMS? She also has lost 50 grs since May.
How is the ventilation in your chin room? Whenever I see a chin with an eye like that, I check the ventilation to be sure the air is circulating well. Aim a fan at the floor to get the air moving, turn on a ceiling fan, whatever. Once I do that, the eye clears up.

This is, of course, assuming it is not an infection. Like Dawn, I treat with oral and eye drops. I use the TMS, but I just use Tobramycin drops.
Not sure if you meant Snickers or me Peggy. If me, the chins are in a room that has lots of ventilation. I have a fan in the room as well as a/c. Hoping TMS does the trick!
Not sure if you meant Snickers or me Peggy. If me, the chins are in a room that has lots of ventilation. I have a fan in the room as well as a/c. Hoping TMS does the trick!

I just wanted to know what TMS stood for but Melbur10 answered it. My room is ventilated as well.
So the boys are done their meds tomorrow. I see a HUGE improvement BUT it's still not 100% in 2 of the chins. Here are some new pics:

LEE, who looks just like a normal chin!


Carlos STILL has some leaking it seems.


Ernie, better than Carlos but not as good as Lee (He's closer to the camera-DID not want to get his pic taken at all today)

If these were my chins, I would try another round of the TMS since there was improvment, OR I might change my mind and go for what works well for deep dental infections-deep lacrimal duct infections have aerobic bacteria and anaerobic bacteria, same as deep dental infections, I may try baytril and flagyl together to knock it out since flagyl works on anaerobic bacteria and baytril on anerobic, synergistically they work well together for head infections . Would depend on my frame of mind at the time.
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