Oldies but Goodies...

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Aneesa's Muse

I usually don't post pics of my older kidlet bRats, but these two are very special rescues that came to me about a year ago..


Tia mo'Mia is my little blind angel baby ..she started off in a feeder tank ..almost lost her life when she had her brother or father's babies ..did lose all of her babies, in fact ....and the filthy environment caused her to lose most of her sight before she was a year old. She made it to a nearby rescue ..and then I adopted her as one of my own, almost a year ago. She's an old diva now and almost completely blind in both eyes, so she can be a little crotchet'y ..and a little tricky to get up in the mornings, for her daily meds (she gets maintenance antibiotics for the rest of her life, unfortunately) without getting nailed. I'm sportin' a very nice purple, swollen wound ..she got me yesterday ...I went silent for a second and got too close to her ..startled her ..and she nailed me in self defense. Fortunately, I move fast and she moves slow ..so I didn't need stitches (I'm stubborn.. probably could use a couple). In spite of all of this ..she's my bud ..hangs with me most of the day ..in my shirt. She even rides with us in the car ..if we're not going near any animals or places that have animals, randomly.


Koda Bear lived a great part of his early life in a "petdumb" store ..and they were horrible to him. The employees talked about him like he was a vicious, evil beast ..and were afraid of him. He bit me right away ..and it was love! He's been here just shy of a year ..and he finally trust me and doesn't feel the need to scare me away. He loves me ..and I definitely love me some him!

So yeah.. they are both gettin up there in age, both have some really "bad days" ..but they are 2 of my very special "kids" and I love 'em! :thumbsup:
awwwe! there adorable! am im glad they have such a nice home to live in! i miss my ratty
They're so cute! Good for you for rescuing them! I would so get a rat if my mom wasn't TERRIFIED of them and would never come to visit me! ;) Your two sound like sweethearts.
Somebody has to watch out for these poor little critters, and how wonderful for you to give them a good home! All animals are special and need to be taken care of properly.