Ointment in Fur

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Jan 6, 2013
Hello! I'm a relatively new chin mom, I got my girl Pilly about nine months ago, and a few days ago noticed a small red bump in her eyelid, which was swollen and a little matted from what I assumed were tears. I took her to the vet and got a triple antibiotic ointment from them to help the healing process when they determined it was only a scratch. I've been applying as per instructed, but sometimes she rubs it off into the fur below her eye when she rubs at it. My question is how should I go about cleaning it when the scratch is all nice and healed up? I would think that sticking her in a dust bath with the goop all around her eyes would not end well. Thanks in advance!
You can use a baby wipe to try to get most of it. Let her hair dry after that, then do a dust bath.