Ohio Field Day?

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Hendryx Chinchillas
Jun 12, 2010
Cincinnati Area
Does anyone have the specific information on when and where the Ohio Field Day will be held in May? I have been searching for that information but so far have not been able to find the specifics. Thanks.
I just got a peek at the showbooks for the National show. There is an ad in there for the Field Day, listed as May 21st. It is held at the Ryerson ranch, registration starts at 8. Jan Ryerson is the contact person for any questions.

If the date is correct, I highly doubt I'll be able to make it. This show is usually the Saturday after mother's day which I was counting on - this is later, when my work has already switched into summer schedule. It's much harder for me to get a vacation day in the summer, and all our large conferences are on the weekends. =/
The field day is fun, and I love being right at the Ryerson ranch!

Perhaps I'll be able to make it out this year, depending on how the baby does for York and if I can find someone to go with.
Duh! I just went out to get the mail and my Jan/Feb issue of MCBA magazine was waiting with all of the details.
Ohio Chapter Field Day @ the Ryerson's Chinchilla Ranch, May 21,2011
Registration starts at 8 am

Thanks to everyone that replied...looks like I could have just waited a couple of hours!
May 21,2011 Registration starts at 8 am

What a PERFECT way to spend my birthday! I'm going to try and get a front row seat this time so I can have an easier time of hearing the judges.
I am going to this one. =) I've had to bribe people to get coverage for Nationals and the Field Day since -every- show this year has landed on my weekend to work. I've never seen a ranch before, so I'm rather excited.
I'm considering going, if anyone is passing through Indianapolis and would like to car pool, let me know. :))

ETA- Brittany, the drive to you looks pretty easy, so I may end up driving over there and riding up with you if all works out!
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Looks like I will have that day off after all, BUT I'm working late shift the night before, and early shift the day after... so it will be another fly by for me.
ETA- Brittany, the drive to you looks pretty easy, so I may end up driving over there and riding up with you if all works out!

You're always welcome, we can talk as the show gets closer.
I'm definitely going. Already have that friday and saturday off :)

I can't wait!!!! It's been a while since I've been at a show, I went to the Field Day before and Loved it!! Got two chinnies there the last time.
Gonna try and sell some this time instead of spending money on new ones, lol.

Dee Im glad you decided to come!!
I am going to this one. =) I've had to bribe people to get coverage for Nationals and the Field Day since -every- show this year has landed on my weekend to work. I've never seen a ranch before, so I'm rather excited.

Looks like we are on the same weekends...I'm on for this one too >.<:cry3:
Just found out Jason has this weekend off... We may be going, provided the plans with the house and such are coming along... Its crunch time between now and the wedding!
Have fun, guys! I'll be in the hospital having, or at home caring for, the munchkin, or I'd try and make it out!