Well, its official. i have lost my mind. :crazy: I've decided to go back to school... for most people this would be no big deal, but for me, its just down right crazy. I'm a 28 year old single mom of a 5 year old. As if that isn't enough to fill my plate, right? No I have to add onto it and decide to go back to school to become a veterinarian.... It really has been a dream of mine since I was about my daughter's age, so it kinda makes sense, but I'm fed up with being miserable working with computers in a go nowhere company. :window: I'm sick of never having any money to spend on my daughter, and I'm sick of being stuck in this podink town because I can't afford to live anywhere else. I just finally got fed up. It came down to deal with it, or do something about it, and I just down right can't deal with it. My daughter and I deserve better. We've overcome so many obstacles along the way, including domestic abuse, deafness (my dd), learning disabilities, poverty, the list can go on and on..... I'm just tired of looking at my past and thinking that I did nothing to help us move up in the world. So there it is. I start back to school in the fall.... :duh: