Officially lost my marbles....

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Well, its official. i have lost my mind. :crazy: I've decided to go back to school... for most people this would be no big deal, but for me, its just down right crazy. I'm a 28 year old single mom of a 5 year old. As if that isn't enough to fill my plate, right? No I have to add onto it and decide to go back to school to become a veterinarian.... It really has been a dream of mine since I was about my daughter's age, so it kinda makes sense, but I'm fed up with being miserable working with computers in a go nowhere company. :window: I'm sick of never having any money to spend on my daughter, and I'm sick of being stuck in this podink town because I can't afford to live anywhere else. I just finally got fed up. It came down to deal with it, or do something about it, and I just down right can't deal with it. My daughter and I deserve better. We've overcome so many obstacles along the way, including domestic abuse, deafness (my dd), learning disabilities, poverty, the list can go on and on..... I'm just tired of looking at my past and thinking that I did nothing to help us move up in the world. So there it is. I start back to school in the fall.... :duh:
It's really cool to see someone in a situation like yours going back to school. Esp. for vet school :) I wish you the best of luck :D

Sounds like you and your daughter have gone through so much. Hugs!
Hurray for you!!! Have you given any thought as too where you want to go?
Do you know what school you are going to go to? I started the vet program at MSU several years ago. I never finished, situations in my life arouse and I wasn't able to, but for the time that I was there, it was great. Very tough, but great. Good luck!!

Do you have any family that can help? My daughter is a single Mom of a 3 year old and I do a lot of babysitting. I love my granddaughter to pieces so it's not a hardship at all but I know I give my daughter some help that she needs. My daughter did finish therapeutic massage school and then went to an aesthetics program and got her certificate in that. Maybe if you lived near some supportive family members they would be willing to help you out. Good luck.
I've been accepted to a local university here to get my pre-vet stuff done.... and I'm hoping I'll be able to go to the University of Illinois Vet school, so that way, I'm never too far from home.
Do you have any family that can help? My daughter is a single Mom of a 3 year old and I do a lot of babysitting. I love my granddaughter to pieces so it's not a hardship at all but I know I give my daughter some help that she needs. My daughter did finish therapeutic massage school and then went to an aesthetics program and got her certificate in that. Maybe if you lived near some supportive family members they would be willing to help you out. Good luck.

I live right next door to my parents, so they will be able to help out some. Hopefully once I get going they will be a bit more supportive of my decision and help out more, but they really have their hands full right now. They take care of my aunt that had an aneurysm last september, but I'll get it figured out as far as my daughter goes. I have a few friends that have kids that are very supportive of me, so they are willing to help out when they can too....