My chinchilla is making these odd sounds while in her cage. I've heard her bark(in her sleep) and even chirp but this I haven't heard from either of my girls. It sounds like a chirp but a deeper. I've checked her to see if anything might be wrong but she's bouncing, playing, eating, and drinking. Does anyone know what it is and should I be worried? She won't do it a lot, I've only heard it twice.
My chinchilla is making these odd sounds while in her cage. I've heard her bark(in her sleep) and even chirp but this I haven't heard from either of my girls. It sounds like a chirp but a deeper. I've checked her to see if anything might be wrong but she's bouncing, playing, eating, and drinking. Does anyone know what it is and should I be worried? She won't do it a lot, I've only heard it twice.