Odd behavior, tummy issues?

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Sep 8, 2013
Hi there! I've posted here once before, I own a 4 year old girl who is lovely!
I feed her oxbow food and unlimited timothy hay, as treats i supply shredded oat cereal (the brand is barbara's), oat and apple treats, and occasionally dried fruit/raisin.
Lately Chansey has been acting a bit odd. She has been laying down a lot more than usual. She seems to be laying on her side/tum. The temperature in my house is below 70f and she shows no indication of being hot. She has also not been pooping as much as she normally does. There are still poops, however some are smaller and rounder than others. The color appears normal. This has been going on for about a day in a half now. She still is eating her pellets, hay, and goes crazy when i pick up a bag of treats. She is still playful and will jump out of the cage to great me, but while she was playing yesterday I noticed she stopped about 10 minutes in and sat down still for a while. I am wondering if the issue may be too many treats, with the holidays people have been over and i believe she may have had too many dried fruit pieces from family members ? Her stomach feels a tiny bit larger than usual, she does not make sounds or pull away when I touch it. I plan on bringing her to the vet tomorrow if they are available to take her but I was curious to know if anyone had any idea what the issue could be! Thank you!


an image from today.
What did the vet say?

Also, I would highly suggest dropping the dried fruits and raisins as treats all together. They have to much sugar in them for chins. The cheerios/shredded wheat are great treat options and I'm sure if you check the sales board you can find a herb to use as a safe replacement to the fruit. Maybe something like Rosehips... chins love them.

Also, how often does she get a treat and how many?
If that is a current picture, the chin does not look like its in pain, the eyes are bright and the expression is normal. Chin could have a little gas as opposed as full on bloat due to the treat issues.
She might have a bit of constipation from having too many treats. Most people avoid giving raisins and dried fruit to the chins because of this, plus the risk of bloat.
Maybe cease all treats, and only give hay and pellets for a few days. Monitor the poops...so long as they are still coming out, and she is giving no signs of pain, then she should be okay.

Is she drinking normally?
Thank you for your responses everyone! I apologize for not responding earlier, i did not get an email saying my post was public. Chansey is fine now, she is back to normal and pooping up a storm! :) I get so worried with her!
What did the vet say?

Also, I would highly suggest dropping the dried fruits and raisins as treats all together. They have to much sugar in them for chins. The cheerios/shredded wheat are great treat options and I'm sure if you check the sales board you can find a herb to use as a safe replacement to the fruit. Maybe something like Rosehips... chins love them.

Also, how often does she get a treat and how many?

I give her crushed rose hips once in a while, she enjoys them but much prefers the oat or cereal. I give her one small piece (broken in half) of barbaras shredded oat cereal per day or every other day. i give her a oat and apple treat once a week, or if she is being good a few times a month i will give her a raisin or a tiny piece (cut in bits) of dried strawberry or banana.
In my experience, one a chin has bloat they are more prone to it in the future, if this was my chin it would not get any sugar treats, its just not worth the risk since bloat can and does kill and is extremely painful to the chin.