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Well-known member
Jul 3, 2011
So my chin that is about a year I just noticed recently that her poop sizes were gradually getting smaller. Now I'm noticing that her poops are becoming fewer in numbers. She's eating but not as much as before. So I decided to try and get her out, which is a difficult feat because she'se very skiddish. I felt her tummy and it didn't feel hard. I couldn't tell if she was blocked or not. Then I checked her teeth and they were white, which from what I hear is a calcium thing. I don't know what to do. Would a calcium problem cause her other problems? What do I do? None of my vets around here are skilled at seeing chinchillas. I know more about them then they do.
Right now shes eating PANR, western timothy, botanical hay, and I'll give her alfalfa cubes maybe once a week. I dont give her treats on a regular basis.
She's still kind of acting funny. I've been giving her pieces of cuttle bone, but idk how much to give or what else to do. He teeth are still white and she doesn't eat as much as he use to.
Now, I could be wrong about this, but white teeth means calcium or some mineral deficiency, I think. My guys love cuttlebone, I would leave that in there as its a great source of calcium and such. If she seems likes she's eating less, I would be monitoring her weight with a gram scale. If you have, has she dropped any weight? Do you have critical care and a vet on hand? Chins not eating can be serious, or indicate something serious.
Chin needs a vet visit to a vet who knows chin teeth, for a oral exam under gas with x-rays.