not moving much?

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Well-known member
Aug 16, 2011
Da vinci is my new addition he was in pretty bad shape when I got him the doc. rated him a 2/10 =(

the first month he was in quarantine, i gave him lots space and quiet time, every single time I went to clean his cage he was extremely scared and pathetic sounding too,

after three 2 weeks he was a little bit more open and willing to take food with out hiding into a corner.

fast forward he now lives with meimei and he's greatly improved in every aspect of himself.

Now my big thing is he likes to hang on this one ledge and never leave

he'll cuddle when meimei comes down to see him he'll go eat drink and pee

but then he just goes back and sits on this one ledge, i got a new tunnel and new house some new toys, he doesn't really go check it out

he seems to really enjoy running (taking him out doesn't seem to much of hassle or life scarring i just pick him up and he doesn't give to much of a hassle )

i also can't catch when he goes pee, because there's always a reward when peeing in the toilet

he sometimes pee in the wrong place =(

i wish there is something i could give him to be more excited about

It sounds like you haven't had this chin for long. As long as he is eating and drinking normally I would just leave him be and not worry. He may not feel secure enough to explore. That ledge may be a safe place for him right now so give him time to adjust. Some chins take longer to adjust than others. Some need more than a year.
He may also still be recuperating from the neglect. I would not let him run around much. In some ways, he is like and kit and needs to use all his calories to get back his strength and health. Be patient. One day you may walk in and find him bouncing off the walls.
Awe, I can understand your concern. Your providing all the right things. Like Cuddlebug said, just be patient. Talk to him and make him feel safe by keeping your distance but also being around. He will eventually feel secure and come around. He might not be peeing in the right spot because it may take bravery to get there as silly as that sounds. Try to put it close to his ledge where he hangs out?