noelle's newly redone cage! tell me what you think :]

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Blue Eternity

heres noelle's new cage! only old things in there are her house (i need to find a new one that i like! or make one hah) her water bottle (which i will be replacing soon) and the hay house (which before was empty) and the chinchillers and chinspin.

i made ALL new shelves by hand. my hands are kinda bruised haha but its worth it!

switched her to liners

new toys (one spells her name!) and hammocks

found some nice natural branches. they're pretty big and she'll like them to chew on i think. wish i had more!

got some urine guards

things i still need to get : bridge + fleece tubes... making them soon!

noelle seems to like it :]





ms. scruffy herself exploring it! she doesnt like the camera in her face much... haha

tell me what you think!

:heart: grace + noelle

Very nice! Excellent use of space and lots of jumping spots!
Your cage looks great and how proud you must be for doing it all yourself! You have a very spoiled chin!!!
thanks so much everyone! :] noelle really likes it and i can tell shes enjoying the change.

i like how the space is used right now i think; although i think it could use a little more! i'll be adding more soon. i'll post pics then too.

and hahah yeah, its tidy [for now!!]. noelle has already "made it her own". and by that, i mean messed it up. hehe. i love her though!

:heart: grace + noelle
Looks great! I have a Quality Cage too that is set up very similarly. You might want to invest in the metal shelf guards......they really cut down on the amount of poo that lands on the floor.
I have a martins cage for my one girl, but I want to purchase a QC also. And maybe a FN if I ever get more chins. (probably) I go for variety! That flip top looks like it makes cleaning the upper shelves easy!