No computer should be able to reboot by itself. GRRR

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I'm so angry right now with myself and my computer. I was working on something all day yesturday, and forgot to save, since I normally work in regular type word processing, where you can have it do that automatically. I was working in notepad. Hours, including making my wrist hurt from typing, and I fell asleep and my computer did a Windows Update and rebooted. They shouldn't do this. Why would anyone program a computer to be like that. I lost all kinds of stuff.
I just got a different laptop, and it asked me to set the times for updates - gave me a choice! I don't know if yours is re-settable, but mine's at 5 A.M. - if I'm up that early, I'm going fishing!!
You can set it to install updates when you turn it off, at a set time, or to ask before installing updates. You obviously have it set to automatically install updates.

I've learned the hard way over the years that when I am working on something to save it every few minutes.
I thought it was set to do when I shut it down, but when I looked it was automatic and at 3 am. I fixed it I hope. I'm so used to auto save, I didn't think about it. I'm trying to teach myself html, so I was in notepad and it doesn't do anything auto. I never turn off my computer really, but I always save and close before I go to sleep, except the one time it updates without me.
Other programs will auto reboot too. I had the same thing happen with some CAD drawings! It sucked, I had to redo five pages of drawings from scratch.

But, guess I should've saved! It's odd I didn't, I'm guessing something took me away and I didn't get back before the end of the night, like fighting kids or something. :p
Oh I hate that!!! I've actually lost documents for other reasons than updates...although automatic updates have gotten me a few times. Once I had an overheating problem with my laptop and it just would randomly turn off when it got too hot... ya I lost 18 pages of a research paper I was writing. Whoops.

My autosave I have programmed for 6 am. My classes start (on most days) at 8:30. Oddly enough, 6 am isn't always good, because a number of times, I am still AWAKE at 6 am (have not gone to sleep yet) and I step away from the computer...and it reboots...without my stuff saved. You'd think I'd learn.....
I know Mac people can sound a little bit pretentious, but you should totally get a Mac!

It actually ASKS me if it can reboot after doing a software update!!
My computer is set not only to save my documents, but also, we have an external hard drive and it backs up my computer every hour. How cool is that?

Sorry to hear that you lost all of your stuff though.
Well technically my computer asks too...but I think it's the stupidest thing...

It'll pop up this little window "would you like to restart now?" and you can click "restart now" or "restart later." Ok, sounds good, right? Here's the problem. It's got a timer on it (I think it's like for 4 minutes) and if you don't click one of those options within 4 minutes, it just restarts. So if you step away....

That's neat with the external hard drive though.... that'd be convenient...
Boo to all you Mac people!

I have a regular PC and I do JUST FINE with my updates.. It asks me and I say now later or remind me in x hours.. I havent had this issue..

Oh yea! And our PCs can have external hard drives too. If we bought them!
I've had that happen to me before, it's extremely annoying! It does ask before it reboots, but it does that stupid 5 minute countdown thing like greychins mentioned. One time I got up to go to the bathroom, came back, and it had restarted and screwed up some downloads and my Visio project. AUGH!

I set mine to NOT automatically update nowadays, I check it for updates and install whatever's necessary. I don't need Google toolbar or Windows optimized search-your-desktop thingy. I know what the icons are. Thanks anyways. It has lots of other ways to insult my intelligence that don't take up 10MB of my hard drive.
I've had that happen to me before, it's extremely annoying! It does ask before it reboots, but it does that stupid 5 minute countdown thing like greychins mentioned. One time I got up to go to the bathroom, came back, and it had restarted and screwed up some downloads and my Visio project. AUGH!

I set mine to NOT automatically update nowadays, I check it for updates and install whatever's necessary. I don't need Google toolbar or Windows optimized search-your-desktop thingy. I know what the icons are. Thanks anyways. It has lots of other ways to insult my intelligence that don't take up 10MB of my hard drive.

haha, too funny. Mine was factory set for 3 am, so even I'm not much on the computer then. So I never noticed before this, but I think I do remember once getting that stupid 5 minute thing. So annoying. I just find stuff like this, and other new Vista features annoying. I miss XP.