No bedding?

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So I use Fleece liners and peep pans (just finished making new marble ones) and that got me thinking. My girls use they're peep pans religiously never peep in their liners so would it be viable to just tile the floors of their cages?

Its seems workable to me, just sweep out the cage. But I don't know I like have you guys opinions on things. What do you think?
I'm no expert, but it seems like you'd be able to keep things really sanitary and cool that way. I mean, if they don't pee on it, they may like it even better than the fleece (I know I have one chin that really likes to be on a solid surface like melamine, wood, or tile WAY more than fleece or bedding). I'm thinking it shouldn't be a problem since so many of us use bathrooms and tiled spaces for out of cage play time - I mean, we know tile isn't bad for them! I'd make sure to sanitize it in a chin safe way from time to time instead of just relying on sweeping to clean it, but other than that, I can see a problem.
I've seen cages with tile bottoms before

ETA: but you wouldn't want tons of grout where the bacteria can live in, you'd have to be able to clean it out completely on occasion.
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Sweet! I'l gonna start shopping for tiles. Thanks guys!
Post pictures when you have it completed! I have also thought about doing this for my boys.

Also, you may want to go to a tile store/warehouse/whatever. They give away their samples once they don't need them anymore. They had stacks upon stacks there.
I was down at Home depot today to look at tiles and free is good but I really want all the tiles in their cages to be the same. These are the one that I really like.

The Blue ones are for Petra's cage and the other is for Nyx's. I like the second blue one better then the first. I think they will look stunning against them.


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That's a great idea. I should go to a tile store and get old samples!

I use tiles in all my cages for the chins. There's lots of reasons why I could say I use them, but mainly I can watch the chinchilla droppings and find anyone with any digestive problems right away. Diarrhea doesn't happen much, but when it does I can see it and know who's having an issue immediately because the droppings stick to the tiles. (OK...I know that sounds strange...)

Anyway, I think it is great that you have been able to potty train chins to urinate in one little designated pan, Sarah. If you could tile the floor of their cage, that would probably be the easiest cage to sterilize! By the way, do you put anything into the pans that they urinate onto or do you just leave them in there without a liner or bedding?
I do remember someone raising the potential problem of tiles being slippery, and hard to fall on had a chin slipped and fell to the bottom of the cage.

I know personally I have a few chins I'd probably think twice about before putting in tiles (since they are klutzy monkeys) but there are some other cages where I'd consider it.

Though I am curious to know how it works out for you, so please update.
Anyway, I think it is great that you have been able to potty train chins to urinate in one little designated pan, Sarah. If you could tile the floor of their cage, that would probably be the easiest cage to sterilize! By the way, do you put anything into the pans that they urinate onto or do you just leave them in there without a liner or bedding?

Lol Thanks, I'd love to take some credit for "training" them but really they did it themselves. I just put the pans in one day and they used them. Clever monkeys! To answer your question, I put a little KD pine shavings in the bottom of a pie pan.


I was thinking about that but they only have half of the FN 142 and there are an number of thing to break falls. and I will definately keep you updated!