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Well-known member
May 12, 2009
York UK
So I have one of the wire-bottom type chinchilla cages, and I have just been using newspaper underneath as litter, but Gus seems to enjoy chewing at the newspaper. I think he is ingesting it as there are some large sections gone but no signs of shredded up paper around the cage. Is this okay or should I switch to something else?
Some people worry about the ink, but I think most ink is now safe. I know the ads and colored stuff is not safe, but I think the black ink is. Although I don't know about where you are...
Pine chips smell much better, absorb more, and are some of my chins favorite treat! I usually put a small handful on top of the wire for that!
Kiln-dried, of course! To me, they're worth a couple pennies a pound!
Pine chips smell much better, absorb more, and are some of my chins favorite treat! I usually put a small handful on top of the wire for that!
Kiln-dried, of course! To me, they're worth a couple pennies a pound!

Haha, Rick we do that too for our chins with wire bottoms...they really do like to chew on the bedding!
Looks like they aren't in the US though, I'm not sure if papers differ over in the UK?
I know once when I tried newspaper under the bedding for easier cleanup (I had seen someone suggest it) and I have wire bottoms, I noticed that the bedding smelled bad a lot sooner than if I used just pine, so I just use kiln dried pine shavings.
yea but with newspaper you can monitor the pee and poop much better. When I clean thoroughly I put a thick layer of papers on the bottom and the middle shelf . Each day, I take a layer or 2 out that are soiled (I can see right away - the amount of pee and poo). Besides that newspapers are cheap. and my chins are soo educated
I never thought of newspaper. What a good idea. even if i put it on the bottom & put litter on top, it would save on some money. thanks!
I use these sort of puppy training pads, that I put under a lavender scented bedding. The bedding keeps it smelling nice, and the pads absorb the wetness so it doesn't stain the pan. Tip: Don't use any sort of trash bag-like liner. One of my chins seemed to think the plastic was some sort of new toy, he pulled most of it through the great less then 20 minutes after I tried it. Had to re-do the whole cage again.
I use these sort of puppy training pads, that I put under a lavender scented bedding. The bedding keeps it smelling nice, and the pads absorb the wetness so it doesn't stain the pan. Tip: Don't use any sort of trash bag-like liner. One of my chins seemed to think the plastic was some sort of new toy, he pulled most of it through the great less then 20 minutes after I tried it. Had to re-do the whole cage again.

Scented bedding is really not a good choice for chins, they are very sensitive to smells and scented bedding. I would not use that.
I agree, I was going to say that you shouldn't use a scented bedding with chins, it's not good for them to have to smell it all the time.
Just kiln dried pine or aspen is good.
thanks guys - I think I'll try a pine bedding either on top of the newspaper or instead as I don't know whether the ink here will be safe for him or not