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Zach B.

Apr 29, 2012
So about 3 months ago i got a chinchilla he is under a year old and i got him from a pet smart in my local area (probably not what you guys would suggest to get) he is very social and loves to be out and around the house. Him and my dog have a special relation ship also there best friends. So what i need help with is the cage i have one of those starter cages that has the plastic levels and wire ramping's also what is a good bedding to use for the cage. Also my dad and i are very good with our hands we have been remodling the house (as in knocking down walls and moving them and re building them) so the wood work stuff wouldn't be hard. i just need to know what are good toys and whats going to make a good cage thanks for the help!
So about 3 months ago i got a chinchilla he is under a year old and i got him from a pet smart in my local area (probably not what you guys would suggest to get) he is very social and loves to be out and around the house. Him and my dog have a special relation ship also there best friends. So what i need help with is the cage i have one of those starter cages that has the plastic levels and wire ramping's also what is a good bedding to use for the cage. Also my dad and i are very good with our hands we have been remodling the house (as in knocking down walls and moving them and re building them) so the wood work stuff wouldn't be hard. i just need to know what are good toys and whats going to make a good cage thanks for the help!

I really hope you don't just let the chinchilla hop around the house without watching him. Most only let them out of their cage and they watch them, and it's usually just one room that they are able to have their playtime in. I'd also watch closely your dog with your chin, they really shouldn't have much contact(or any actually), especially if your chin is outside of their cage...even if you think they are best friends, anything can happen. One of my cats sleeps in the same room as me and the chins, and could careless about them, but when I have them out to play, shes not in the room.

As far as the cage, I'd suggest getting a good size one. They love to jump. At first i had a small starter one, but quickly went with a chinchilla mansion. I also really like the look of the ferret nations that many members have. They might seem a bit costly to some, but it's better to have a chin be in a cage they can jump around in. Toys, they love wood chews. There's a list on here of safe wood for them. They really only need good water, pellets and hay, occasionally a treat, good treats are mini shredded wheat, occasionaly cherrio or rose hips.
Also be sure to watch the temp around your chin, i've heard scary stories and heat is something I worry about most with my chin, so some things I hear freak me out. Most people don't like going above 75. Everyone has their own opinion, but that seems like a good average of what most people limit the temp too. Also I don't know what you have for bedding wise, but never get carefresh bedding, it's what alot of petsmart seems to use for their chins, but it's really not good for them, if they eat it, it expands inside them and will cause problems. Pine bedding is what I use to use, kiln dried from petsmart before I got fleece liner.
Premier Pet Pine Bedding is the type I used from petsmart. Also, pretty much all "treats" at petsmart is bad. I'm glad I found this site because even after six years, I learned a whole lot more. Alot of things that say they are for chinchilla's at petsmart, are actually not good for them, like the dried fruit/veggies, seeds etc...
I'm glad I found this place, and sure you will be too.

I got my two guys from petsmart as well, no it's not the best way, but I wouldn't change it for anything.
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Thank you so much and no he dosnt have full freedom its rly just the main room area were the dog is she rly is careless tho she just sleeps the most contact they have come in is when he hopped over and sat on her but if he isn't out there he is in my room with me or the bathroom.
And for the cage thank you i will defiantly look for the pine bedding because he seems to try to get ride of the care fresh by kicking it out and putting it in piles. Also i think the one thing i did right was getting him muzzier food and buy only giving him kiln dried wood to chew on other then let him run around wile i sit and watch tv for a good mount of time. Were can you find the ferret nation cages? and thank you
Thank you so much and no he dosnt have full freedom its rly just the main room area were the dog is she rly is careless tho she just sleeps the most contact they have come in is when he hopped over and sat on her but if he isn't out there he is in my room with me or the bathroom.
And for the cage thank you i will defiantly look for the pine bedding because he seems to try to get ride of the care fresh by kicking it out and putting it in piles. Also i think the one thing i did right was getting him muzzier food and buy only giving him kiln dried wood to chew on other then let him run around wile i sit and watch tv for a good mount of time. Were can you find the ferret nation cages? and thank you

Yes, Definatly get rid of the carefresh, if he eats it, you could end up really bad. And no plastic either. Apple wood is a good wood as well, petsmart has a couple chews made of that as well. I use the Oxbow Pellets and Oxbow Hay from petsmart, Much healthier then what I use to get which was the Kaytee Fiesta and thats loaded with garbage they aren't suppose to eat. If you've been giving him water from the faucet and he's been ok, your probably like me and have good water, I actually learned they could get sick from water, and bought a PUR water pitcher that gets out all the bad stuff that causes illnesses like giardi(sp?) in chinchillas just to be on the safe side. Or you can get reverse osmosis in stores if you wanted to try other water. Mine lived on unfiltered tap for six years, so our water obviously wasn't bad but after reading more, I just got nervous and switched just to be safe lol.

The ferret nations are online, also some people on here bought them on craigslist. I actually think Petsmart Online sells the ferret nation's. The Chinchilla Mansion is a Quality Cage and they have other sizes as well, I got the mansion since I have two chins.

If you buy one of these, I think most people take the ramps out, or put some kind of matterial on them, like fleece so their feet don't get caught.

This is where I got my Mansion, If you keep clicking next page on the bottom, you will also see a Townhome and Condo that are smaller. You should go under Housing and Supplies here and On the first page, at the bottom there's a great thread called "Cage Pics" that show everyone's cages, you can get alot of great ideas from it. Here's mine actually. I haven't posted there.


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I would strongly suggest not letting the chin and dog near each other. Even the most laid back dog can still cause drastic harm to a chin. On purpose or by accident. Remember dogs are instinctively born predators. And chins are instinctively prey animals.

Kiln dried Pine, or aspen are safe beddings. Just make sure you don't get ceder. That can be dangerous. And with any type of litter, expect them to kick it around or knock some out of the cage.

The makers of ferret nation cages are here. However you could probably find some cheaper else where. Maybe try checking creiglist in your area or something. (If you did, just make sure to clean it well, and with safe products)
Thank you and your cage looks very nice and i will try to eliminate him being around the dog thanks for the help