New to the forum/new hedgehog owner

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New member
Mar 29, 2011
Hey everyone,

I'd been lurking for a while so I thought I'd join and introduce myself. My name is Bishop and I just picked up my hedgie over the weekend. He's (almost) 2 months old. His name is Colonel Mustard.


I guess I've had him for about 3 days now. It's been pretty interesting, haha. I read books, watch videos, etc but somehow failed to realize that he'd be sleeping ALL the time as a baby. I kinda wish he'd wake up so I can hang out with him a bit more.
Welcome to the forum. He is a baby, babies pretty much eat, sleep, and poo a lot.

I would go ahead and spend time with him. Even if that time is with him snuggling and napping on you. I consider snuggling to be some of the best quality time you can have when bonding with a new hedgehog.
I have to give it to you.. I love his name. Had a dog named Doc Hollyday so I guess I'm with ya. LOL But Welcome to the boards. He's CUTE!
Welcome to the forum. He is a baby, babies pretty much eat, sleep, and poo a lot.

I would go ahead and spend time with him. Even if that time is with him snuggling and napping on you. I consider snuggling to be some of the best quality time you can have when bonding with a new hedgehog.

Haha, too true.

That's pretty much what I've been doing. Last night I took him out and he just kind of laid on the bed next to my leg. The down side was that he then peed on the bed. Hahaha. I think beforehand he did this little stretching thing.. so I'm not sure if that's the hedgehog version of the "I've got to pee" dance. Need to learn to watch for that... ;)
Welcome to CnH. Always glad to see more hedgies :)

You're right - there's often a little stance that hedgies adopt right before making messies, once you know it, you'll be able to get him over to a safe area to pee.

And, about the sleeping, one of my favorite memories of Satin as a baby is when she fell asleep curled around the side of one of my hands, with her head pressed (upside down) in the the palm of my other one.

Congrats on your snuggly baby.
He's adorable and I love the name!

Just cuddling with my hedgies has been my favorite part of having them I think and it was definitely the best when they were babies. So tiny and sweet! Once they start to warm up to you and snuggle close it's just so perfect.

Congrats on bringing him into your life!