New to Chins

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Hi I just got my Chin this weekend from a petstore, which I know now is bad, but I just fell in love with him.

He's black and named ChinChan. He has warmed up to me quickly and loves to hop around my room as I watch tv and even lets me hold him and pet him for a bit.

Thanks to this site im currently working on getting him a better cage and feeding him the food he's suppose to be eating. I did make one big mistake at first and didn't get any and all cords out of his reach and have now fixed the problem after he chewed up a speaker cord, thank heaven he wasn't injured. I now leave chew toys out for him. :)

I love seeing all the pictures of everyones chins, I never knew I would enjoy my chin this much.
Welcome! :tease: We love pictures as well, so post some of your little guy! he sounds gorgeous :)
Welcome. :)

There is absolutely nothing wrong with getting your chin from a pet store. The chins in pet stores are just as deserving of love as any other chin. The only reason people try not to do that is because they will just replace it with another one. Whether you bought your little guy or not, someone would have, and he would have been replaced. So don't you worry about it.
Welcome! I hope you find this forum very helpful in growing with and learning about your chin. There is a ton of info here so learn everything you can! Congrats on getting your chin!!

P.S. ChinChan...I love it! Makes me think of the song..."party party join us join us..." from ShinChan...
Welcome! My first chin was from a pet store. Like tunes said, pet store chins deserve loving homes just as much as any other chin. :))
Hi and welcome! I see you as rescuing the chin from the he is safe from being harrassed from all the customers, and from living in a small environment, and maybe even from incorrect food, toys, etc. Now your chin has a terrific home and will be thoroughly loved and spoiled! And there is even a thread full of stories from new chin owners and their mistakes. We've all made mistakes!