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New member
Sep 11, 2013
I got my male chinchilla about a month ago he was previously someone else's pet before he was mine, he was with another male but i could not afford to get both at the same time, i could of but i wouldn't of been able to make his cage as interesting and engaging as it is now so i thought it would be fairer if i only got the one and got the cage as good as a chinchilla cage needs to be. He is my first chinchilla but before i got him i done lot's of research. He is 9 months old and he was with another male, i'm not sure weather to get him a play mate to keep him company through the night and whilst im at school i wondered weather to or not? Also what are some good human foods i can give him once in a while as a treat. Not everyday. :hmm:
Is his cage mate not available anymore? If its only been a month, I'd ask the seller to see if by chance his cage mate is still there. If not, I've never had pairs, only a single girl. So I'm not sure how to tell if they really need a cage mate. Is he acting sad or different that would make you think he needs a friend?

As for treats, the only treats I can think of (human food that is) are regular cheerios (not the honey-nut) and unfrosted/plain wheaties (a pinch of it - not too much).

ETA: And just to throw it out there in case you missed it on the forum or other boards, skip the big hamster ball thing. They're not good in any way, shape or form. :thumbsup:
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A couple flakes of old fashioned oats. Think of each one as a big chin cookie. They have little bellies, if you give them too much they won't eat their pellets and hay.
He is sitting in his box with his ears down very still, i got in touch with the previous owner and his cage mate is no longer available, is there something i can give him as company that he can sleep/cuddle with? A teddy possibly? And thankyou