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Jan 29, 2012
I just adopted two chinchillas from my college professor. One is male and other female. They are about 5 years of age. Pretty big if i do say so myself. I have had them for about a month and a half. It seems like they have already been somewhat tamed. I am able to pet my male chinchilla and he is fine with it, but the female wont let me. She isnt completely scared though, she will let my hand get near her head and face but wont let me pet her is all. Ive done the hand in the cage and wait thing and it works fine, they even crawl onto my shoulder sometimes if im completely still. But, they wont let me hold them at all. I am wondering what I could do to make them like me more? Also I have a ferret nation cage as well, very big, not sure how tall but i think its about 5 foot a little more or less. I have a few big rocks in there for them to sit on(granite), a big hamster igloo thing(plastic, is that bad?), a lot of wooden shelves and houses, and I have a cardboard box inside and punched a big hole in middle to make a small house( they seem to like to eat the cardboard not just chew it). I feed them kaytee Fiesta max food pellets mixed with dry fruits and other stuff, and a lot of timothy hay. Any advice on what to add or change?
oh yeah and i have two water feeders.
it took my chins a log time to adjust to me all the way . one of my chins it took 4 months for her to warm up to me.
they shouldnt be alowed to eat cardboard really you should get them some toys and sticks to eat and chew.
as soon as possible you need to change their food petco/ pets mart will sell a food called matsuri or another food called oxbow chinnchilla(i use this ). NEVER feed your chinchillas fiesta. its like olny feeding chins candy.
they should rarely have treats (dried fruits oats rose hips cherios no more that a pinkie nail size a day.
if your chinchillas are chewing the plastic you should remove all plastics from the cage its bad for them
also they need dust baths you should try to use blue cloud brand its the best type.
Well unless you want to breed I would separate the male from the female.

Also Kaytee is junk food for Chinchillas. All they need is a good pellet food like Oxbow or tradition plus hay. Fruits are too high in sugar. Some chin safe treats would be rosehips, and apple chew sticks. A lot of people on here sell them.

Plastic isn't okay for them to have either, as they can eat it. You can buy or make wooden sleep house.

I would say the female may just need more time to get use to you. Talk to her through the cage, let her come to you on her own time. Some chins also don't like to be held, but do like climbing onto a human.
It took my chin a while to warm up to me once i got him home. I sat outside his cage every night and read to him while he got used to me and my voice. I slowly started putting my hand in and giving him some scratches. Now he loves everyone! I have an enclosure that i put around his cage to let him out to play, he is not shy to anyone anymore.

I feed my chin Mazuri, which he does wonderful on. It is really important to make sure they have plenty of wood items in their cage to chew on. Cardboard items should only be used during playtime while supervised.
on another note if the chins are spayed or neuterd you wont have to separate them but if they arent you should separate them. most fn cages can be blocked off into 2 separate cages. especialy since you are new to chinchillas you do not want baby chinchillas. just check the breeding horror stories threads. to breed you really need to know what you are doing.
Hey guys thanks so much for the replies! I feel so bad for feeding them kaytee, is it too late???? I have been feeding them it normally for about two months. And they do seem to pick out everything but the pellets. They love the timothy hay and eat it all the time. I will make sure to take the cardboard boxes and plastic igloos out. If i buy them a wheel will they play? Because I had a running ball but they just sat in there and wouldnt move(kinda looked tense.) I have like a salty rock I bought from petsmart and another orange one that i think is like carrot flavored that they love to chew on( is that okay for a chew toy for teeth?) and i have like wooden blocks that have hooks that hang on top of cages, but they dont seem to be swayed by them. They never touch them except when they run by.
Since others have answered about your female getting used to you - I agree with them.

Will touch on other stuff. First, the plastic igloo has to go. They may not be chewing on it right now, but they could at any time, and all it takes is one teensy einsy piece of plastic to cause an impaction (blockage) in their digestive tract. That's a an experience and large vet bill no one should ever have to deal with. In place of the igloo, you could get a wooden hidey house. It would be safe for them to chew and a good place to hide as well. We sell several wooden hidey houses, and there are several other people who do on here as well. Twilight Chinchillas makes great custom hidey houses as well.

If they're actually eating the cardboard I would take it out. It's ok if they're just chewing it, but eating it could probably cause an impaction. I'd go with better safe than sorry.

The Kaytee food is junk. All of the Kaytee food. The foods you'll be able to find locally which are good are Mazuri and Oxbow. Either is a good chin food.

No more dried fruits. Chins are hindgut fermenters and can't process sugars, even the natural kind found in fruit. So, no more dried fruit for them, not even as a treat.

Oh, and separate the male and female. We get in some many pairs at the rescue... people will swear, "oh they haven't had babies for years!" and a week later, out pops babies *rolls eyes*. Since you seem like you're still learning the basics about chins, babies are a bit more of an advanced topic to deal with, so I would separate the male and female.
ferret nations cages are a good.
all throughout this site are going to be helpfull people and tips to show you what to do and what not to do . a good place to start is this forum
heres some site with some good info

Please, if you are going to throw that chinchillaclub link around, make sure you inform people of the inaccuracies on it.
Dried fruits, bananas, apples, raisins, etc. are unhealthy treats and should not be fed. Cheap, healthy treats are as simple as unfrosted shredded wheat, rolled oats, applewood sticks...

Mazuri is a good food that is easy to find, but some chins have loose poos on it. Oxbow is what I use and is a good all-around pellet. Most people free feed pellets- they don't measure 2 tablespoons, but just put fill the bowl. This works well for people who don't have chins that dig all the food out.

OP- do you know if the male is neutered? If you want to keep them paired, then the male should be neutered and the separation continued for 6-8 weeks to prevent "accidents" that turn into "mistakes."
Hey guys thanks so much for the replies! I feel so bad for feeding them kaytee, is it too late???? I have been feeding them it normally for about two months. And they do seem to pick out everything but the pellets. They love the timothy hay and eat it all the time. I will make sure to take the cardboard boxes and plastic igloos out. If i buy them a wheel will they play? Because I had a running ball but they just sat in there and wouldnt move(kinda looked tense.) I have like a salty rock I bought from petsmart and another orange one that i think is like carrot flavored that they love to chew on( is that okay for a chew toy for teeth?) and i have like wooden blocks that have hooks that hang on top of cages, but they dont seem to be swayed by them. They never touch them except when they run by.

It is not too late. Pick up some Oxbow or Mazuri and since the food you have is such junk, I would do a cold switch and just monitor their poos to make sure they are taking it well.
Please, if you are going to throw that chinchillaclub link around, make sure you inform people of the inaccuracies on it.
Dried fruits, bananas, apples, raisins, etc. are unhealthy treats and should not be fed. Cheap, healthy treats are as simple as unfrosted shredded wheat, rolled oats, applewood sticks...

Mazuri is a good food that is easy to find, but some chins have loose poos on it. Oxbow is what I use and is a good all-around pellet. Most people free feed pellets- they don't measure 2 tablespoons, but just put fill the bowl. This works well for people who don't have chins that dig all the food out.

OP- do you know if the male is neutered? If you want to keep them paired, then the male should be neutered and the separation continued for 6-8 weeks to prevent "accidents" that turn into "mistakes."

sorry about that i was going to mention the inaccuracies but it sliped my mind when posting. its good that you caught my mistake. i feel like an idiot now
Since others have answered about your female getting used to you - I agree with them.

Will touch on other stuff. First, the plastic igloo has to go. They may not be chewing on it right now, but they could at any time, and all it takes is one teensy einsy piece of plastic to cause an impaction (blockage) in their digestive tract. That's a an experience and large vet bill no one should ever have to deal with. In place of the igloo, you could get a wooden hidey house. It would be safe for them to chew and a good place to hide as well. We sell several wooden hidey houses, and there are several other people who do on here as well. Twilight Chinchillas makes great custom hidey houses as well.

If they're actually eating the cardboard I would take it out. It's ok if they're just chewing it, but eating it could probably cause an impaction. I'd go with better safe than sorry.

The Kaytee food is junk. All of the Kaytee food. The foods you'll be able to find locally which are good are Mazuri and Oxbow. Either is a good chin food.

No more dried fruits. Chins are hindgut fermenters and can't process sugars, even the natural kind found in fruit. So, no more dried fruit for them, not even as a treat.

Oh, and separate the male and female. We get in some many pairs at the rescue... people will swear, "oh they haven't had babies for years!" and a week later, out pops babies *rolls eyes*. Since you seem like you're still learning the basics about chins, babies are a bit more of an advanced topic to deal with, so I would separate the male and female.

So its okay to quit kaytee cold turkey for them? And what does normal poop look like? I know it is pellets, but sometiems the pellets are bigger or longer than normal( not by much, but still different), and i have heard of warnings of diarrhea( does this look like mushy throw up? beause they have had kind of wet poop pellets, but not super mushy)

And the wood, I recently hung the wood hangings closer to where they like to hide and they have been chewing( i think eating too because i dont see them spit it out), is it okay for them to eat the wood then too?

Treats: what do u recommend? I have seen wheat squares(unfrosted), i have fed them a few dry cheerios, and what else can i give them?

Also i have heard various answers, but how many times should i give them a dust bath? i had given them once a week before and it was fine, but now i am giving them 3-4 a week, but i dont know if it is good for them. I remember when I didnt give them one for about 8 days and i saw their fur started to look oily so i immediately gave them one( should i just wait until its noticeable?) BTW THANK U ALL FOR UR ADVICE!
If i buy them a wheel will they play? Because I had a running ball but they just sat in there and wouldnt move(kinda looked tense.)

A wheel would be great, just make sure it is a chin safe one (somebody else can chime in here since I don't actually have wheels for my boys) Also you're quite right to be wary of the plastic ball, they are incredibly unsafe for chins due to overheating and running aroung in their own urine, so swapping the ball for a wheel would be great. Providing is chin safe room for playtimes would be a good move too, it's much more fun for the chins (and us!) to let them have a safe playtime with wall surfing and jumping around rather than restricting their natural movements with a ball.
So its okay to quit kaytee cold turkey for them? And what does normal poop look like? I know it is pellets, but sometiems the pellets are bigger or longer than normal( not by much, but still different), and i have heard of warnings of diarrhea( does this look like mushy throw up? beause they have had kind of wet poop pellets, but not super mushy)

And the wood, I recently hung the wood hangings closer to where they like to hide and they have been chewing( i think eating too because i dont see them spit it out), is it okay for them to eat the wood then too?

Treats: what do u recommend? I have seen wheat squares(unfrosted), i have fed them a few dry cheerios, and what else can i give them?

Also i have heard various answers, but how many times should i give them a dust bath? i had given them once a week before and it was fine, but now i am giving them 3-4 a week, but i dont know if it is good for them. I remember when I didnt give them one for about 8 days and i saw their fur started to look oily so i immediately gave them one( should i just wait until its noticeable?) BTW THANK U ALL FOR UR ADVICE!

Most of the rescues we get in do a cold-turkey switch from whatever food they were on.. and usually it's some sort of Kaytee food that the owner "ran out of" right before bringing the chin to the rescue. Uh... right. *rolls eyes*. They typically do fine with a cold turkey switch, just watch the poos. Normal poos should not be squishy. I mean, they shouldn't be hard as a rock either, but they should not smoosh and blend together. They should have some form and consistency. In doing the cold turkey switch, we always make sure to give plenty of hay, that will help.

Normal poo can be different for different chins. I have one chin that poos what I consider long poos, another one has shorter, and some have in between. That's all normal... for each individual chin. The key is that as long as they're not super-tiny and as long as they're not mushy, you're probably fine. If the poo was puke-consistency, you would really have a problem on your hands. Soft poo, as in the type you might get on a food switch, would be more like if you squeezed it in your fingers it would be mushy. Even mushy, it would still retain it's shape (before mushing), it would just be more "wet" than normal.

The wood is fine for them to chew/eat. I don't see ours ever spitting out wood (that would be a sight!) - the wood is good for them, wears down the teeth and gives them something to do. :))

As for treats, you're good on the unfrosted shredded wheat and cheerios. Those are favorites around here. We also give our chins rosehips, dried rosebuds, dried rosepetals, oats (*the old fashioned slow cook kind), pumice stones... you can really make anything into a treat. We go around and refill our chins' hanging toys when needed, like when they chew down several pieces and there's room to add more - they go nuts! And all we add is new pieces of wood and stuff to chew on, but since they don't get it everyday, it's like a "treat." Ours love chewing on wood stick too.

As for dust baths, we typically do once a week here, because I have bad asthma and even with the air purifier on, once a week is enough. Except for show season, but that's a different story. I wouldn't do everyday - you could dry out their skin that way. Typically, people dust twice a week. You don't have to wait for them to look greasy, you can just say, ok, I'm going to dust every Monday and Thursday, and do so, regardless of how they look on those days. Now, if it's like summer and higher humidity, they may look greasier quicker, and then you can dust more... but I still wouldn't do it everyday.

If you buy them a wheel, buy them a good wheel. Not the pet store ones. some good ones are the 15" chin spin from Quality Cage - - the Flying Saucer from Quality Cage - - or the Silver Surfer from - The wheels at the pet stores are all too small (biggest is 12" - chins need at least 14" so it doesn't curve their spine). All the rescues we've ever gotten in have run on a Chin Spin. It's like they "know" how. We haven't had a lot of chins figure out the saucers though... but our chins like the chin spins!

Throw out the ball. They're nicknamed death balls on here. Just not good for the chins.

The salty rock - I think I know what you're talking about - I was in there the other day and saw something like that, like a himalayan salt lick I think it was called? Anyway, they don't need it. I know rabbits sometimes need salt licks, something about when they're out in their hutches in the sun they need the salt to prevent dehydration? Something like that (I don't have rabbits). And chins are often likened to rabbits, but since they can't sweat, they don't need a salt lick. They should be getting all of their vitamins and minerals from their food anyway.

No problem, that's what this forum is for - so people can learn the right way to care for their pets. Whatever questions you have, feel free to ask, someone on here will be able to help you. :))
Lots of great advice, and we all make mistakes as new chin owners, and it is never too late to improve our methods of caring for them.

Your chin didn't know what to do in his ball because they aren't meant to go in them. We call them death balls. That needs to be thrown away. Most people have a chin safe room, or a playpen to let their chins run out of the cage.

Good luck!
Hey guys thanks so much once again for all the advice! I am learning so much and am so eager to buy all these new toys for my chins! A few questions during playtime. I have let them out before and let them run around this this one big office. Nothing they can chew on or anything, but it seems like they never come back in the cage( like they would stay out for hours). And i dont want to pick them up because it seems like it makes them lose my trust because i tend to have to chase them for like thirty minutes( more or less). Recently the boy went back in the cage(i think he figured out how? or maybe they just didnt feel like going back in). I dont know it seems like every couple of days i do something that seems to lose their trust( Like I have to catch them to put them back in the cage). And my male seems to like scratch the back of his ears or his stomach on occasions( a little more) with his hind legs. I have only seen the female chin do this but rarely. Is this bad? he does it a good amount. Not like all the time, but enough to where i can see it a couple of times. He also sometimes bites his front legs(problem?).
When you let them out to play, stay in the room with them. Even if it's just for a little while. Just take a break from whatever you are doing and sit in there with them for a bit. In the beginning, they will be scared of you - but eventually they will check you out and then you won't be able to keep them off of you. It just takes time and patience.

You can also try putting some dust on your hands to make them more interested in coming to you and letting you hold them. It may or may not work, but is worth a try. It worked for one of mine but not the other.

About the male itching/scratching - does he have any fur loss? It could be from allowing him too much access to dust. Make sure you limit them to once a week. Twice at the most. We usually dust on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Some weeks it's only once a just depends. If you are dusting too much, you can dry their skin out.
just wanted to mention that I hope you have seperated them and seperated them permanently - no playtime together, as quick and good as you think your supervision is it's not that quick or that good to prevent babies.

Hey, um im not exacctly sure if he has fur loss. There are no naked bare patches or anything, but i can a little more than occasianly see some hair fall out or dangle between the hair thats still on his body. The hair is like the full pieces, and i can see the roots where they would be if they were still attached to he body. ALso something WEIRD HAPPENED WHILE MY CHINW AS PLAYING! He was just runnign around then occasioanlly hed stop have like twitch or kind of spazz and like his body would jump up with the twitch.( this has happened occasionally, but today he like had a few short ones then one that made him squeek pretty loudly and he ran away like he got scared from it. It scares me because the twitch makes him kind of jump in the air, is something wrong? It hasnt happened again all day but on some days it will hapen(on different severity levels). And while i was watching tv i heard a loud, weird screeching soung. It wasnt a painful sound it sounded like"EEEEEEEE, EEEEE, EEEEE" and it wasnt shrt bursts they were like long bursts.