My fiance got me a Chinchilla for an early birthday present for me yesterday. She is about a yr old and he got her from previous owners not a pet store. Now I've been reading other peoples post about how they take a while to trust you and let you handle them, mine became very friendly very quickly she will let the both of us near her and pet her as soon as i come into the room she runs up to the door waiting for me to open it for her, she will let me hold her most of the time although she isn't to sure about my fiance holding her although i'm sure that will come with time. I went to walmart and bought shavings for her cage without doing the proper research first and i read on the package that it was for chinchillas so i bought it but it was cedar.. so when i came home and looked online i found out that cedar is toxic to all small animals. So my question is what is the best for her? We have her bath dust and we have proper food for her we got all that from her previous owners but what should i do for shavings? or is it even a necessity? Please help