New noise

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"Ellie Mae"
Aug 27, 2010
Brandenburg, KY
Inca has started this thing where he will whine like a dog.
At first I actually thought it was one of the dogs. It's just a soft doggy whine, any ideas??
I think it's to let you know he would like some attention. Mr. Whiskers will sometimes do that if I am sitting close by and don't acknowlege him right away.
That seems logical because there never seems to be any problems when he whines. If that's the case, it works!! I always go to him and love him and say"what's the matter Incie, why you cryin". He owns me! :duh:
One of my boys makes that noise. and it is always when he hears MY voice. he was handfed for a long while and is very very needy and attached to me! unfortunatly his constant whining has taught at least one of the others to make that sound now so i have stopped making a big deal about it.